Cosumnes River Preserve
ISSUE 830 - October 25, 2018
- Celebrate National Bat Week
- Headlines and Highlights
- BLM and DOI Highlights
- Wildlife Question of the Week
- Upcoming Events
This week is #Batweek an annual educational outreach event where scientists & citizens across the United States and Canada lead projects & programs to learn, support and get the word out about how amazing bats really are! Check out some of the FREE events happening near you! (BLM California Facebook)
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With hundreds of species, bats are diverse, scientifically fascinating and found all across the country. Check out some of our favorite bat species found in the U.S., what makes them so cool and how we're protecting them. (DOI News Release)
Bat Week in the Coachella Valley is an annual celebration of bats, and this year marks the fifth year of this bat-tastic educational outreach program with fun activities scheduled throughout the valley. (BLM News Release)
Located in both California and Nevada, Death Valley National Park is the largest national park in the lower 48 states and has nearly 1,000 miles of roads that provide access to both popular and remote locations in the park. (DOI News Release)
Halter-trained burros will be available for public adoption Sunday, Oct. 28, in conjunction with the Donkey Welfare Symposium at the University of California, Davis. Registration is at 11 a.m. and adoptions start at noon at the Animal Science Barns, 448 La Rue Road, Davis. (BLM News Release)
Related: (BLM California Facebook)
The Bureau of Land Management in California has announced that it is reopening the public call for nominations for five open positions on the citizen-based Northern California District Resource Advisory Council. The deadline to apply is Oct. 31. (BLM News Release)
Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management issued conditional approval to Hilcorp Alaska LLC for its Liberty Project oil and gas development and production plan. If developed, the facility would be the first oil and gas production facility in federal waters off Alaska. (DOI News Release)
Skipwith currently serves as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks in the Department of the Interior, where her team is responsible for ensuring the protection and stewardship of lands and waters within the national park and wildlife refuge systems. (DOI News Release)
This grant program is possible from funding support provided by the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and ConocoPhillips. (DOI News Release)
The partnership will bring more than 150 USGS scientists and their minerals research labs to the university’s Golden, Colorado campus where government scientists and Mines faculty and students will work together in a new state-of-the-art facility. (DOI News Release)
The memorandum directs the Department of the Interior and the Department of Commerce to work together to deliver western communities the water supplies they need to irrigate millions of acres of farmland and provide water and power to millions of Americans. (DOI News Release)
 Why are bats important members of the ecosystem?
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Watch bats around the ponds before enjoying a children’s movie featuring a rowdy bunch of bat cronies. Bring a cozy chair and flashlight or headlamp. RSVP at (760) 325-7222 Whitewater Preserve, 9160 Whitewater Canyon Road in Whitewater. (BLM California Facebook) #Batweek
Come to the 13th annual Desert Gardens Community Day and join Dani Ortiz for an illustrated lecture about the role of bats in your garden. Continue to enjoy booths and classes until 2:30 PM. (BLM California Facebook) #BatWeek
Explore the desert with a bat expert to learn about the super powers of bats. Bring a flashlight or headlamp for an easy walk . The best super hero bat costume gets a prize! RSVP at (760) 862-9984. Cove to Lake Trailhead in La Quinta. (BLM California Facebook)
Halter-trained burros will be available for public adoption Sunday, Oct. 28, in conjunction with the Donkey Welfare Symposium at the University of California, Davis. Registration is at 11 a.m. and adoptions start at noon at the Animal Science Barns, 448 La Rue Road, Davis. (BLM News Release)
Related: (BLM California Facebook)
Hear BLM Wildlife Biologist, Dani Ortiz, share fascinating facts about bats in the area, then enjoy the premier showing of Wander List: Bats created by Anndee Laskoe, of Greater Palm Springs CVB. University of CA, Riverside, Palm Desert Center, 75080 Frank Sinatra Drive in Palm Desert. (BLM California Facebook)
Join us online and ask questions about anything you want to know about bats during a live feed on the The Living Desert Facebook page. You can also email your questions before the event to ddortiz@xxxxxxx
(BLM California Facebook)
The BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program is excited to announce nearly 70 events this year as part of BLM's efforts to find good homes for our nation's wild horses and burros. Known for their intelligence, endurance and loyalty, wild horses and burros, with the right training, are outstanding for trail riding, packing, working and have successfully competed for awards in numerous fields from endurance riding to dressage. With more than 81,000 wild horses and burros on BLM-managed public lands, these wild icons of our American history need your help more than ever. Without any natural predators that can control population growth, wild horse and burro herds grow rapidly on the range and can quickly overcome the land's ability to support them. The BLM works to maintain healthy wild herds by gathering excess animals and placing them into good homes. (BLM Website)
The Earth without bats would be a very different and much poorer place. More than 1,300 species of bats around the world are playing ecological roles that are vital to the health of natural ecosystems and human economies. (Bat Conservation International)