BLM California News.Bytes Issue 765

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News.Bytes, Bureau of Land Management California

ISSUE 765 - MAY 11, 2017	

- Wildfire Awareness Week
- From the Field
- Headlines and Highlights
- BLM and DOI Highlights
- Wildlife Question of the Week
- Upcoming Events

Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Wildfire Awareness Week

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. issued a proclamation declaring May 7-13, 2017 as “Wildfire Awareness Week” in the State of California. (Cal Office of Emergency Services website),2tkd1,3xn3,fzqx,ee8w,1bct,ijo3

Related: Wildfire Awareness Week Kicks Off In California (Cal Office of Emergency Services website),2tkd1,3xn3,hma6,7m0m,1bct,ijo3

Related: More information on steps to protect lives, homes and families in the event of a wildfire. (
Ready for Wildfire

BLM California manages approximately 15.2 million acres of surface lands in California and Nevada. BLM directly protects 16.3 million acres which includes 1.4 million acres of non-federal lands and 678 thousand acres of other federal lands.

Of the 15.2 million acres, about 2.2 million acres are protected by CAL FIRE through the California Master Cooperative Wildland Fire Management and Stafford Act Response Agreement.

BLM is proud to work alongside California Wildland Fire Coordinating Group partners from U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Pacific Southwest Region, National Park Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, CAL FIRE, Cal OES and the Association of Contract Counties. (BLM California Flickr),2tkd1,3xn3,kk70,7qk9,1bct,ijo3

Related: #WildfireAwarenessWeek on Facebook and Twitter,2tkd1,3xn3,fvo6,3vwp,1bct,ijo3,2tkd1,3xn3,ah9x,6896,1bct,ijo3
7 Burning Questions: Wildfires and Public Lands

Fire is one of nature’s most powerful forces. While fire can be destructive, it can also be rejuvenating and a partner to the stewards of our nation’s public lands. Land management agencies like the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the U.S. Forest Service have fire program responsibilities on more than 700 million acres of lands across the country. Working with fire is just part of the job. (DOI blog),2tkd1,3xn3,i7fj,c7lp,1bct,ijo3
Month-to-month Wildfire Forecast

The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) released its month-to-month wildfire forecast maps for the entire country today. The full report says wildfire season will move into the Pacific Northwest and the Northern Rockies by mid-to-late July. While wildfire conditions are expected to be normal at lower elevations, the transition could be slower at higher elevations due to the abundant snowpack accumulation, according to the report. (NIFC website),2tkd1,3xn3,ad9g,1j8o,1bct,ijo3

Related: National Predictive Services Program (BLM California Facebook),2tkd1,3xn3,es5h,4x2r,1bct,ijo3

Related: Wildfire season starts months in advance with wildfire outlook (KRCR News),2tkd1,3xn3,ec63,g20l,1bct,ijo3

Successful Volunteer Cleanup

10 volunteers from the Lassen Gunsmiths Guild (supporting students in the Lassen Community College Gunsmithing Program) and employees from our BLM Eagle Lake Field Office recently organized and implemented a cleanup on BLM-managed lands at Antelope Pit located off Highway 139. (BLM California Facebook),2tkd1,3xn3,7dcf,173x,1bct,ijo3
Bi-state sage grouse get new home on Earth Day

Earth Day meant moving day this year for a group of bi-state greater sage grouse along the California-Nevada border as part of a multi-agency project to save an imperiled sub-population of birds having a difficult time successfully reproducing new young on their own. (USFWS Pacific Southwest Region website),2tkd1,3xn3,5evl,i7z3,1bct,ijo3
General Mining Act of 1872

The federal law governing locatable minerals is the General Mining Act of 1872 and was approved on May 10, 1872. This law declared all valuable mineral deposits in land belonging to the United States to be free and open to exploration and purchase. This law provides citizens of the United States the opportunity to explore for, discover, and purchase certain valuable mineral deposits on federal lands that are open for mining location and patent (open to mineral entry). (My Public Lands Tumblr),2tkd1,3xn3,hqd6,f5xf,1bct,ijo3

"I Serve Because..."

Since 1985, the first full week of May has been set aside as Public Service Recognition Week to honor the men and women who serve our nation as Federal, state, county, and local government employees. This week, BLM California celebrated Public Service Recognition Week with wonderful employee photos. (

Related: #PSRW on Facebook and Twitter,2tkd1,3xn3,18i6,c41m,1bct,ijo3,2tkd1,3xn3,bmea,bm44,1bct,ijo3
Pit River Campground Remains Closed Due to Flood Damage

The Bureau of Land Management’s Pit River Campground, along the banks of the Pit River, remains closed to the public until the extensive flood damage to the recreational area can be fixed. (BLM News Release),2tkd1,3xn3,7gi0,8p9u,1bct,ijo3
Shooting Area Access to be Restricted during Improvement Project

Public access to shooting areas along Iron Mountain Road west of Redding will be restricted from May 16 through May 26, while the Bureau of Land Management completes a project to control storm water drainage. There will be no restrictions from Saturday to Sunday, May 20 to 21. (BLM News Release),2tkd1,3xn3,9n4j,8s4q,1bct,ijo3

BLM Transfers 226,700 Acres of Public Lands to the U.S. Navy for Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range

The Bureau of Land Management has finalized the transfer of administrative jurisdiction, from the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of the Navy, of approximately 226,700 acres of public lands. The transfer fulfills requirements in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 to transfer the Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range to the Department of Defense. (BLM News Release),2tkd1,3xn3,9s2r,gxct,1bct,ijo3
BLM Seeks Northern California District Resource Advisory Council Nominations

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public nominations for five open positions on the Northern California Resource Advisory Council (RAC). The RAC works closely with BLM managers in Alturas, Arcata, Cedarville, Redding and Susanville, providing guidance on the full range of the BLM's responsibilities. As published in a notice in the Federal Register, the BLM will consider nominations until May 30. (BLM News Release),2tkd1,3xn3,mejo,9gzg,1bct,ijo3
BLM Seeks Desert District Advisory Council Nominations

The Bureau of Land Management's California Desert District is soliciting nominations from the public for five members of its California Desert Advisory Council to serve three-year terms. The council's 15 members provide advice and recommendations to the BLM on the management of more than 10 million acres of public lands in eight counties of Southern California. As published in a notice in the Federal Register, the BLM will consider nominations until May 30. The five positions to be filled are: one renewable energy industry, two public-at-large, and two elected officials. (BLM News Release),2tkd1,3xn3,ep2v,8k7k,1bct,ijo3

National Photography Month

May marks National Photography Month, and BLM wants to see your photos on your BLM-managed public lands! When sharing your photos on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, make sure to use hashtag #mypubliclands for your chance to be featured on the @mypubliclands Instagram! (My Public Lands Tumblr),2tkd1,3xn3,e4z6,en9s,1bct,ijo3
Interior Department Advances America-First Offshore Energy Strategy

The last G&G seismic data for the Mid- and South- Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OSC) were gathered more than 30 years ago when technology was not as advanced as today. (DOI News Release),2tkd1,3xn3,hz72,ghuw,1bct,ijo3
9 Things You Didn’t Know About Glacier National Park

On May 11, 1910, President William Taft signed a bill into law establishing Glacier National Park. Learn more about the Crown of the Continent as we celebrate this iconic national park. (DOI News Release),2tkd1,3xn3,6ze3,g0qp,1bct,ijo3
Interior Department Releases List of Monuments Under Review, Announces First-Ever Formal Public Comment Period for Antiquities Act Monuments

The Department of the Interior announced the first ever formal public comment period for members of the public to officially weigh in on monument designations under the Antiquities Act of 1906, and the Department released a list of monuments under review under the President’s Executive Order 13792, issued April 26, 2017. A public comment period is not required for monument designations under the Antiquities Act; however, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke and President Trump both strongly believe that local input is a critical component of federal land management. (DOI News Release),2tkd1,3xn3,2bsg,9zve,1bct,ijo3

Related: Secretary Zinke, Utah Officials Launch Listening Tour of Utah Monuments (DOI News Release),2tkd1,3xn3,j82c,ea1x,1bct,ijo3

True or False?

When fox kits are old enough to leave their parents -- around 6 months after birth -- they settle between 6 and 250 miles away.

Keep reading for answer below.

Now - January 2018: Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Events

The BLM offers wild horses and burros for adoption or purchase at events across the country throughout the year. Upcoming wild horse and burro adoption events are planned into 2018. The most current adoption and purchase event schedule is provided on the BLM website. All times are in local time. Event information is shown in local time and subject to change without notice. Please call the Wild Horse and Burro Information Call Center at (866) 468-7826 for the most updated information. (BLM website),2tkd1,3xn3,173d,feww,1bct,ijo3
May 13 and 27: Bureau of Land Management Guided Hikes Planned for April/May in Pine Hill Preserve

The Bureau of Land Management’s Pine Hill Preserve, located in the Cameron Park area, El Dorado County, will offer three guided-plant tours and a bird tour in April/May in different areas of the preserve. The tours, led by volunteer naturalists, are free and open to the public. There is a limit of 25 participants per plant tour and 20 participants for the bird tour. Each plant tour will focus on the diverse and rare plants growing within the chaparral and oak woodland ecosystems. (BLM News Release),2tkd1,3xn3,abak,8i3a,1bct,ijo3
September 30: National Public Lands Day

National Environmental Education Foundation's National Public Lands Day (#NPLD), sponsored by Toyota USA is the nation's largest, single-day volunteer effort for public lands. NPLD connects people to public lands in their community, inspires environmental stewardship and encourages use of public lands for education, recreation and general health. Bring your family, friends, students or coworkers to spend the day outdoors giving back to your community by pulling invasive species, maintaining trails, picking up trash and so much more. Stay tuned for more details. (BLM website)
September 30 and November 11-12: Fee-Free Days on BLM-managed Public Lands

The unique and diverse natural landscapes and world-class visitor facilities on BLM-managed lands are among America’s greatest treasures, and most of these lands and waters are open for recreational use. Through the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (REA), the BLM and other Federal agencies -- including U.S. Forest Service, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- collect recreation fees to maintain and improve the quality of visitor services and amenities. Visitors may purchase recreation passes that cover many recreation fees. On fee free days, recreation standard amenity and day use fees on Bureau of Land Management lands are waived. (BLM website),2tkd1,3xn3,8xmw,a14c,1bct,ijo3
October 6, 7 and 8: Norco Horse Affair

See you in City of Norco - Horsetown USA! BLM's Ridgecrest BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program Corrals will be participating in the Norco Horse Affair on October 6, 7 and 8. BLM will be bringing 10 burros and 20 wild horses for adoption. (Norco Horse Affair Facebook event),2tkd1,3xn3,6mra,j9vh,1bct,ijo3


True. When fox kits are old enough to leave their parents -- around 6 months after birth -- they settle between 6 and 250 miles away. (USFWS Northeast Twitter)

News.Bytes is a publication of the Bureau of Land Management California.

Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W1623
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600

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