The Mojave Trails National Monument News.bytes, Bureau of Land Management California ISSUE 712 - February 18, 2015 - National Conservation Lands - Headlines and Highlights - BLM and DOI Highlights - Wildlife Question of the Week - Upcoming Events NATIONAL CONSERVATION LANDS New National Monuments added to BLM’s National Conservation Lands On Friday, President Obama designated three new monuments in the California desert, adding to the growing conservation legacy of the Bureau of Land Management. Two of the three monuments, Sand to Snow National Monument and Mojave Trails National Monument, include land managed by the BLM and represent of the most scenic and historically significant landscapes in southern California. (BLM Newsbytes ),2gzze,3xn3,gi18,1u4,1bct,ijo3 Secretaries Jewell, Vilsack Applaud President’s Designation of Three New National Monuments in California Desert Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack today joined members of Congress, state and local officials, and local business and community leaders in applauding the President’s designation of the Sand to Snow National Monument, Mojave Trails National Monument, and Castle Mountains National Monument in southern California. (DOI News Release),2gzze,3xn3,c4rf,5dhb,1bct,ijo3,2gzze,3xn3,a3x4,eanc,1bct,ijo3,2gzze,3xn3,f0vi,3eul,1bct,ijo3,2gzze,3xn3,lfac,4sas,1bct,ijo3 Related: BLM California Facebook,2gzze,3xn3,70vd,ffx5,1bct,ijo3 Photos: Obama Declares 3 New National Monuments in California Desert NPR, 2/12/2016 President Obama has designated three desert areas in California as national monuments. The move permanently protects “nearly 1.8 million acres of America’s public lands,” the White House says in a news release. All three areas lie east of Los Angeles. Two of the new monuments — Castle Mountains and Mojave Trails — are near California’s border with Nevada. And crucially, “the new monuments will link already protected lands, including Joshua Tree National Park, Mojave National Preserve, and fifteen congressionally-designated Wilderness areas, permanently protecting key wildlife corridors and providing plants and animals with the space and elevation range that they will need in order to adapt to the impacts of climate change,” the release says. Read full story,2gzze,3xn3,iavc,8szf,1bct,ijo3 President Obama Announces Three New National Monuments President Obama announced three new national monuments: Sand to Snow National Monument, Mojave Trails National Monument and Castle Mountains National Monument. These new monuments protect 1.8 million acres of spectacular landscapes, fragile wildlife habitat, unique historic resources and important cultural sites – ensuring that current and future generations can enjoy the unique beauty of the California desert. Mojave Trails is a stunning mosaic of rugged mountain ranges, ancient lava flows and spectacular sand dunes. The monument contains the longest remaining undeveloped stretch of Route 66 and some of the best preserved sites from the World War II-era Desert Training Center. (BLM Tumblr),2gzze,3xn3,2ylo,go6d,1bct,ijo3 Photos: Sand to Snow National Monument and Mojave Trails National Monument Looking for more stunning photos of the decently designated Sand to Snow and Mojave Trails National Monuments? We’ve got you covered! Sand to Snow National Monument (BLM Flickr),2gzze,3xn3,9gaz,i2mk,1bct,ijo3 Mojave Trails and National Monument (BLM Flickr),2gzze,3xn3,l5er,ert6,1bct,ijo3 Obama Creates 3 New National Monuments to Protect 1.8 Million Acres of California Desert LA Times, 2/11/2016 President Obama designated three new national monuments in the California desert Thursday, expanding federal protection to 1.8 million acres of landscapes that have retained their natural beauty despite decades of heavy mining, cattle ranching and off-roading. The designation was requested by U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who for a decade has sought to protect land that wasn’t included in the 1994 California Desert Protection Act. That measure covered nearly 7.6 million acres, elevated Death Valley and Joshua Tree to national park status and created the Mojave National Preserve. Read full story,2gzze,3xn3,92dn,110c,1bct,ijo3 San Bernardino County Politicians Blast Obama ‘s National Monument Designations San Bernardino Sun, 2/16/2016 While land preservationists on Friday were touting President Obama’s designation of three new national monuments in Southern California’s desert region, San Bernardino County politicians said it could jeopardize a lucrative mining operation in the Castle Mountains and off-highway vehicle recreation areas. Obama’s granting of national monument status for Mojave Trails and Castle Mountains in the Mojave Desert and Sand to Snow in the Sonoran Desert protects 1.8 million acres of scenic Southern California desert. Read full story,2gzze,3xn3,6t32,dmma,1bct,ijo3 HEADLINES AND HIGHLIGHTS Northern California Staff Recognized for Sage Grouse Conservation Staffs in the Bureau of Land Management’s northeast California field offices are moving forward with new conservation plans for the greater sage grouse, thanks to an unprecedented landscape-scale planning effort. Recognizing the magnitude of the planning work, BLM California State Director Jerry Perez took time over the past two weeks to present managers and staff with appreciation awards signed by BLM Director Neil Kornze. (BLM Newsbytes),2gzze,3xn3,bxln,kdc,1bct,ijo3 Inviting more Latino Youths to the Great Outdoors The Sacramento Bee, 2/17/2016 It’s a telling example of how some urban Latinos are changing their relationship to such areas, and how federal and state agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management and the National Park Service are courting them.“Being able to reach out to Latinos has been key,” said Jacky Elizarraraz, a bureau youth coordinator. “We realize the population is changing and our audience is changing, so we want to make sure we’re meeting everyone halfway and not just one population.”. Read full story,2gzze,3xn3,ha71,a02c,1bct,ijo3 Thompson Introduces Lake Berryessa Legislation Napa Valley Register, 2/11/2016 Rep. Mike Thompson introduced the Lake Berryessa Recreation Enhancement Act (H.R. 4521) legislation to transfer recreation management at Lake Berryessa from the Bureau of Reclamation to the Bureau of Land Management . “I introduced this legislation to put the right federal agency in charge of managing recreation at Lake Berryessa,” said Thompson. “As it is currently structured, BOR—an agency tasked with managing water resources—is managing recreation at Lake Berryessa. Read full story,2gzze,3xn3,67zo,54xq,1bct,ijo3 Eagle Lake Area of Critical Environmental Concern Eagle Lake Area of Critical Environmental Concern is 5,100 feet above sea level in northeast California and subject to harsh winter conditions. Having no natural surface outlet, Eagle Lake is a closed basin lake with its water levels fluctuating with variations of inflow. As temperatures drop below freezing, fascinating ice formations form on the surface. Photo by Bob Wick. (BLM Tumblr),2gzze,3xn3,d5nw,bptk,1bct,ijo3 UTV Destinations: Jawbone Off-Highway Vehicle Open Area UTV Driver, 12/11/2015 Jawbone Canyon is a geographic feature in the Mojave Desert and a Bureau of Land Management area located in Kern County, California. Located 20 miles north of Mojave on CA 14, the area is a popular destination for UTV enthusiasts. From cross-country play to advanced technical routes, the Jawbone Off-Highway Vehicle Area offers over 7,000 acres of open-use public land where you can ride anywhere your skill and machine will take you. Read full story,2gzze,3xn3,4wwb,1ra1,1bct,ijo3 Related: Jawbone-Off-Highway Vehicle Open Area (BLM Website),2gzze,3xn3,7o53,i137,1bct,ijo3 Fort Ord National Monument It’s a great time to visit Fort Ord National Monument. Plan your visit at Fort Ord National Monument,2gzze,3xn3,kqw1,17lr,1bct,ijo3 Related: FORT Friends Facebook,2gzze,3xn3,2r28,88i6,1bct,ijo3 Save the Redwoods League, Sequoia Riverlands Trust Donate Land in Tulare County to BLM Save the Redwoods League and Sequoia Riverlands Trust (SRT) announced today the donation of the 66-acre Craig Ranch in Tulare County to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), providing access to a popular area for recreationists. The property, located southeast of the town of Three Rivers and previously owned by the Ollie Craig Trust, will serve as a gateway to a grove of giant sequoias, will help protect wildlife and their habitat and improve access to public lands at adjoining Case Mountain, part of the Sierra Nevada. (BLM New Release),2gzze,3xn3,1joj,hwkw,1bct,ijo3 BLM Has Camp Host Opportunities at Pit, Trinity Rivers Opportunities to live and work on the banks of two scenic Northern California rivers are being offered by the U. S. Bureau of Land Management. The agency needs campground hosts for three Trinity River campgrounds west of Weaverville, and for the Pit River Campground west of Fall River Mills. All sites are off California State Highway 299. (BLM News Release),2gzze,3xn3,6ybg,183r,1bct,ijo3 Related: Facebook,2gzze,3xn3,17ir,f1ed,1bct,ijo3 Charting the Mojave Desert’s Future The San Diego Union-Tribune, 2/17/ 2016 The contrast is striking. In Oregon, armed militants have disputed the very notion that the federal government can own and manage public lands. Here in California, federal officials are wrapping up an extended dialogue about how best to share 10 million acres of public lands in the Mojave for the common good. No guns or bogus constitutional screeds have been seen or heard — just good-faith efforts to chart a sensible course for the Mojave. Read full story,2gzze,3xn3,1652,irp7,1bct,ijo3 BLM Hollister Field Office Gets New Name and Location The Bureau of Land Management Central Coast Field Office, formerly the Hollister Field Office, will open for business at its new location in Marina on Feb. 22. The Hollister location will close at 4 p.m. on Feb. 17 to allow time for the move. The new address is: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Central Coast Field Office, 940 2nd Ave., Marina, CA 93933-6009. The office will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. (BLM News Release),2gzze,3xn3,2s45,1os4,1bct,ijo3 San Bernardino County Supervisors Eye Own Plan Before DRECP Victorville Daily Press, 2/17/2016 Two desert conservationists welcomed a resolution passed by San Bernardino County Supervisors that essentially highlights the Bureau of Land Management’s vow to collaborate on a major renewable energy plan. In a special session on Wednesday, the board unanimously voted to establish a position on the BLM’s proposed land use plan amendment in Phase 1 of the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan. Read full story,2gzze,3xn3,ejfe,ap0q,1bct,ijo3 Cadiz Shares Rise 7% Says California Bureau of Land Management to Review Cadiz Water Project (NASDAQ:CDZI), 2/16/2016 Cadiz (NASDAQ:CDZI) shares were higher nearly 7% on Tuesday after the company said the national director of the Bureau of Land Management Neil Kornze has asked the newly appointed California state director Jerome Perez to meet with representatives of the Cadiz Water Project to review it. The project requires a pre-construction certification from the BLM that its 43-mile water conveyance pipeline and related improvements, planned for an existing railroad right-of-way corridor, will further railroad purposes and therefore require no federal permitting. Read full story,2gzze,3xn3,1vtz,lu7a,1bct,ijo3 BLM AND DOI HIGHLIGHTS Record $1.3 Billion FY17 Budget Proposed for BLM President Obama has requested a FY 2017 budget for the BLM of $1.3 billion that further strengthens the Administration’s commitment to restoring and conserving the Nation’s sage-steppe ecosystem, supports the safe and effective management of the agency’s oil and gas program, makes historic investments in the BLM’s National Conservation Lands, and takes a proactive approach to better manage the unsustainable proliferation of wild horses and burros on Western public lands. (BLM Newsbytes),2gzze,3xn3,gqgn,6a14,1bct,ijo3 Improving how we manage your Public Lands Yesterday, the BLM announced proposed revisions to its land-use planning process. The revisions support a new approach that will make future land-use planning more collaborative, transparent, and effective. Watch a video of Secretary Jewell announcing the proposed changes here. Land-use planning is foundational to the work that the BLM does around the country, which is why it is important to engage the public early and often in the process. (BLM Tumblr),2gzze,3xn3,ajoo,6w24,1bct,ijo3,2gzze,3xn3,chwq,c9j1,1bct,ijo3,2gzze,3xn3,93gz,dqb,1bct,ijo3 Energy on the Public Lands in 2017: turning Potential into Promise The Bureau of Land Management manages vast stretches of public lands that have the potential to make significant contributions to the Nation’s renewable energy portfolio. This gives the BLM a leading role in fulfilling the Administration’s goals for a new energy economy based on a rapid and responsible move to large-scale production of solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass energy. (BLM Tumblr),2gzze,3xn3,m9kn,5dpo,1bct,ijo3 Travel with Guest Photographer Bob Wick to Las Vegas, Nevada - Get Away From the Strip for an Amazing Trip If you are visiting Las Vegas and want to add some beautiful natural landscapes and amazing archaeological sites to your trip, try these public land gems, which can all be reached as day trips from the strip. (BLM Tumblr),2gzze,3xn3,dlwo,13rj,1bct,ijo3 Cliven Bundy is Denied Bail Over Standoff at his Nevada Ranch LA Times, 2/16/2016 A Nevada rancher who was at the center of a dramatic standoff with federal authorities in 2014 is a flight risk and should be held without bail, an Oregon judge ruled Monday. Judge Janice Stewart’s ruling echoed the warnings of federal prosecutors who said Cliven Bundy might skip bail, hole up with armed supporters and hope for a violent end in his conflict with the federal government. Read full story,2gzze,3xn3,bw3v,khns,1bct,ijo3 Cliven Bundy, Sons, Two Other Occupiers Indicted in 2014 Nevada Standoff NBC News, 2/18/2016 A federal grand jury on Wednesday indicted Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, his two sons and two other men in connection with a 2014 armed standoff, nearly two years after the confrontation that thrust them into the national spotlight. The indictment of Bundy, 69, his sons Ammon and Ryan and two other men, Ryan Payne and Peter Santilli, in the Nevada standoff comes three weeks after the collapse of another armed protest over federal land management in Oregon led by the Bundy sons. Read full story,2gzze,3xn3,8946,ay5i,1bct,ijo3 WILDLIFE QUESTION OF THE WEEK monarch_t Which of these apply to the entrance of a San Joaquin Kit Fox burrow? (a.) They are constructed to look like rabbit burrows, to lure unsuspecting prey (b.) They decorate them with shiny objects they find on the ground, perhaps to frighten away predators (c.) They may have three dozen separate entrances to the place (d.) None — they don’t use burrows, but shelter in thick stands of brush or tall grass (e.) They are rougher around the edges but more colorful and creative than the pre-assembled fox burrows Keep reading for answer below UPCOMING EVENTS February 20: Tablelands Archaeology Tour Would you like to explore the Volcanic Tablelands with an archeologist? This is your chance. Join Friends of the Inyo and the Bishop BLM for an outing! We will explore the spectacular Volcanic Tablelands just North of the city of Bishop. We will see the spectacular high desert environment and discuss both the natural and human history of the area. (BLM Facebook),2gzze,3xn3,j2cm,13sd,1bct,ijo3 March 4: BLM Schedules Public Meeting on Temblors Recreation Area The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will hold a town hall meeting in Taft to discuss management of public lands in the Temblor Mountain Range west of Taft. The meeting on the Temblor Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA) will be held Friday, March 4, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the West Side Recreation and Park District Community Center auditorium, 500 Cascade Place. (BLM News Release),2gzze,3xn3,j211,gj9w,1bct,ijo3 March 5: Coachella Valley Wildflower Festival Mark your calendars now for our 9th Annual Coachella Valley Wildflower Festival on March 5! (Friends of the Desert Mountains Facebook),2gzze,3xn3,d417,cknp,1bct,ijo3 March 12 : Birds of Prey Presentation in Garberville North coast residents and visitors will have the chance to get a close look at live raptors and learn more about them in a Birds of Prey presentation Saturday, March 12, at 3 p.m., at the Redwood Playhouse, 286 Sprowel Creek Rd., in Garberville. Staff members from the Humboldt Wildlife Care Center in Arcata will bring a great horned owl, western screech owl, a northern spotted owl and a red-tailed hawk or peregrine falcon to the presentation. They will discuss these rescued birds and describe their rehabilitation from injuries. (BLM News Release),2gzze,3xn3,dn5o,5gzc,1bct,ijo3 March 19-20: Halter-Gentled Mustangs, Wild Horses and Burros Available for Adoption in Angels Camp More than 20 wild horses, including animals gentled and trained to ride, will be offered for adoption SaturdayandSunday, March 19 and 20, at the Calaveras County Fairgrounds, 101 Frogtown Rd. in Angels Camp. The Bureau of Land Management will offer 18 wild horses, two 3-year-old geldings gentled under a trainer incentive program, and three 5-year-old geldings trained by Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center inmates to saddle and ride. Eight burros also will be offered. (BLM News Release),2gzze,3xn3,lu0s,abe0,1bct,ijo3 April 2: Public Meeting Scheduled to Address Land Use in the Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area Representatives from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Marine Corps will host a Resource Management Group meeting on April 2, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Lucerne Valley Community Center, 33187 Highway 247 East, Lucerne Valley, Calif. The purpose of the meeting is to communicate the Marine Corps’ plans to conduct a large-scale exercise August 1-31, 2016 that will include training in the congressionally established shared use area of the Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area. (BLM News Release),2gzze,3xn3,9v00,hirc,1bct,ijo3 WILDLIFE QUESTION OF THE WEEK ANSWER Which of these apply to the entrance of a San Joaquin kit fox burrow? (c.) They may have three dozen separate entrances to the place San Joaquin kit foxes are mainly nocturnal animals that stay burrowed in their dens during hot weather. However, on cool days you may find one of these small foxes basking in the sun or hunting down a meal. They excavate dens in loose soil, with up to 36 entrances and from three to 24 separate dens within, reaching depths of up to 10 feet. SOURCE: “San Joaquin Kit Fox – Vulpes macrotis mutica” (BLM California Wildlife Database)