A publication of Bureau of Land Management in California
Issue 435 - 6/10/10
- Wild horses and burros
- Renewable energy
- America's Great Outdoors
- Not for educators only: Wildlife trivia question of the week
- Headlines and highlights: Rangers award, Fun Fest, ISDRA comment extension, public meetings, jobs, more
- Meet your Advisory Committee members
- Selected upcoming events
Also see this issue of News.bytes online at:
"BLM offering public tour in Twin Peaks Herd Management Area" (BLM news release, 6/4/10)
Natural resource management issues on public lands in the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area will be discussed in public tour through the area northeast of Susanville to be hosted by the Bureau of Land Management on Monday, June 14. BLM natural resource specialists will lead the outing to provide information on resource management in the region that supports wild horses and burros, myriad wildlife species and permitted domestic livestock grazing.
"Wild horses and burros available for adoption in Redlands" (BLM news release, 6/8/10)
This weekend: wild horses and burros from the rangelands of the American West will be available for adoption at the Sundance Ranch in Redlands. The mustangs and burros were gathered from public lands in California and Nevada, have been wormed and vaccinated, and are in excellent health. Animals available for adoption may be previewed from 1 to 5 p.m. this Friday, June 11. Approved adopters will receive a lottery number, which is required to participate in the lottery adoption Saturday morning starting at 9 a.m.
"Trainer and wild mustang take second" (Pahrump Valley Times, 6/4/10)
"Local stuntman and horse trainer" Tom Shiloh and "his wild mustang, Silence ... took second place in the Extreme Mustang Makeover competition [in Norco, Calif.] sponsored by the Bureau of Land Management. Jumping Silence into the back of his pickup is Shiloh's finale ... The two will be a part of the Pahrump Fair & Festival equestrian activities during the September event."
 "A solution for America's wild horse crisis?" (Vanity Fair, 6/10/10)
"The future of America’s wild horses, or mustangs, is at a critical crossroads." Wild horse advocates "Advocates feel this may be the last best chance for a change in B.L.M. strategy and for something positive to happen for the horses." Includes video (length - 10:45).
RELATED: "Ex-BLM chief backs wild-horse preserve plan in NV" (Associated Press in San
Francisco Chronicle, 6/5/10)
"Jim Baca, who served under President Bill Clinton in 1993 and 1994, said horses should remain in the West to spare the cost of land purchases and leases associated with government-funded, long-term holding facilities in the Midwest. He noted the West has abundant BLM-managed land."
"BLM to hold public meeting on Twin Peaks HMA gather"(BLM news release, 6/7/10)
Staff from the Bureau of Land Management will discuss upcoming wild horse gathering operations, including use of vehicles and helicopters, in a public meeting Tuesday, July 6, at 5 p.m. at the BLM Eagle Lake Field Office in Susanville. BLM range management specialists from the Eagle Lake field office will provide details and answer questions about this year’s planned gathers on the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area.
"BLM announces solar energy rental rates" (BLM national news release, 6/10/10)
In support of the President’s energy strategy that calls for rapid development of renewable energy, particularly on U.S. public lands, the Bureau of Land Management today released a rental schedule for solar energy right-of-way authorizations on the public lands. BLM Director Bob Abbey said, “Today, we are providing the solar energy industry the level of certainty it needs about the costs associated with projects on the public lands and ensuring a fair return to American taxpayers for the use of their public lands.”
http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsroom/2010/june/WO_solar_rental_rates.html |
 "Springtime at the Desert Discovery Center" (News.bytes Extra)
The BLM Barstow Field Office's Desert Discovery Center has been a hub of activity this spring -- hosting a "Mural in a Day" community project, an activity-filled event for Earth Day, a student-community-service spring cleanup, and more.
"Trail near Keswick opens" (Redding Record-Searchlight, 6/5/10)
"Several dozen mountain bikers, runners and hikers schlepped through soft mud Saturday morning to christen a trail that closes a 38-mile loop around Keswick Reservoir ... It winds through Bureau of Land Management holdings along the ridge above the eastern side of Keswick Reservoir for 9.3 miles, passing a waterfall before joining other trails leading to Shasta Dam." Officially called the East Shore Trail, this forms the latest link in a network of Redding-area recreational trails.
"New conservation area proposed at lake"(Napa Valley Register, 6/7/10)
"Expanses of largely vacant lands around Lake Berryessa should be part of a new federally designated conservation area to be protected from development, an environmental group has proposed. The proposed Berryessa Snow Mountain National Conservation Area would include about 500,000 acres of public lands in six counties ... In Napa County, about 55,000 acres of land under the jurisdiction of either the Bureau of Land Management or the Bureau of Reclamation, two federal agencies, would be included in the proposed National Conservation Area."
"Eagle Lake opens with great fishing, boat access" (Lassen County Times, 6/8/10)
"Memorial Day weekend means the opening of the trophy trout-fishing season at Eagle Lake near Susanville, and despite disturbing low water levels the fish are biting, and boats can be launched at the Eagle Lake Marina."
RELATED: "Campgrounds at Eagle Lake"(BLM Eagle Lake Field Office)
Includes information on camping on BLM-managed lands near the lake, and links to more information.

What "decadent" activity does the mink engage in?
(a.) hoarding shiny objects like expensive gold or silver jewelry
(b.) overeating to the point of stupor
(c.) eating fermented berries from bushes, and becoming disoriented
(d.) fishing while wearing a mink coat
(e.) eating only the yellow M&M's and throwing the rest away
------> See answer near the end of this issue of News.bytes.
"BLM law enforcement rangers honored with bravery award" (BLM news release, 6/4/10)
Four Bureau of Land Management law enforcement rangers -- including three from California -- were recognized last week by the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association during its national awards banquet. The 2009 Bravery Award was presented to Ranger Carman Prisco, of the BLM's Alturas Field Office; Ranger Bryn Elton, of the BLM's El Centro Field Office, and Chief Ranger Derek Anderson, of the BLM's Palm Springs-South Coast Field Office.
 "Fun Fest brings together BLM firefighters, special-needs kids" (News.bytes Extra)
BLM firefighters from the Bakersfield Field Office spent a day with 250 children with special needs, during an recent event at Bakersfield High School. The BHS Fun Fest was organized by students and staff of the high school. BLM Bakersfield's Metro Fire Station brought their engine for the children to explore. Children took turns climbing up in the engine and learning about the equipment firefighters carry. A special appearance from Smokey Bear was also a highlight.
"BLM extends comment period for Draft Imperial Sand Dunes Plan" (BLM news release, 6/8/10)
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is extending the public comment period for the Draft Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement, for 45 days, giving the public until August 9 to provide input on the plan. Teri Raml, BLM Desert District Manager said the BLM had received a number of requests for additional time to comment. "Given the complexity of this plan and the broad public interest in its outcome, we decided an extension of the original 90-day comment period was warranted," she said.
"Area rivers high and rising, users cautioned" (BLM news release, 6/9/10)
Due to area rivers experiencing unseasonably colder, swifter, and more dangerous flows, the Bureau of Land Management’s Mother Lode Office is asking river users to exercise caution when enjoying local river recreation. These conditions contributed to three near drownings on the Merced Wild and Scenic River in recent weeks.
"Burning electrical wires a growing concern on public lands" (BLM news release, 6/9/10)
The illegal burning of stolen electrical wires on public lands poses a growing environmental hazard to land and air, the BLM warned today. Federal and state land management agencies and local law enforcement officials are encountering sharp increases in the incidents of illegal wire burning on public, state, and private lands. Because the crimes are typically committed in remote areas, many are difficult to solve and prosecute.
"Public meeting planned on draft alternative for Helen Mercury Mine cleanup"(BLM news release, 6/10/10)
The U. S. Bureau of Land Management will hold a public meeting on June 29 for review and comment on the draft final Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis, for the Helen mercury mine, located near Middletown in Lake County. The EE/CA will identify the BLM’s preferred alternative for the response actions to be taken at the site.
"Public meeting planned on draft alternatives for Contact and Sonoma mercury mines cleanup" (BLM news release, 6/10/10)
The U. S. Bureau of Land Management will hold a public meeting on June 28 for review and comment on the draft final Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis, for the Contact and Sonoma mercury mines, located near Healdsburg in Sonoma County. The EE/CA will identify the BLM’s preferred alternative for the response actions to be taken at the site.
"BLM Desert Advisory Council to meet in Ridgecrest" (BLM news release, 6/3/10)
The Bureau of Land Management's Desert Advisory Council will meet in formal session on Saturday, June 19. A field trip will be conducted June 18, and interested persons should check the DAC website before June 18 for details. The meeting will include updates by council members and reports from the BLM district manager and five field office managers on a variety of issues, including updates on renewable energy, Imperial Sand Dunes access issues, and Devil’s Canyon. Details will be posted on the website.
"Fees may be ahead to visit San Joaquin River gorge" (Fresno Bee, 6/9/10)
"Hikers, mountain bikers, anglers, hunters and horseback riders who enjoy the San Joaquin River Management Area likely will have to cough up a few bucks starting next spring. A proposal to start charging user fees for parking, camping and interpretive programs at the 6,700-acre recreation area outside Auberry will be heard by the Pacific Southwest Recreation Resource Advisory Committee during its June 23-24 meeting in Mammoth Lakes."
"Amboy Crater access road under construction for 15 days" (BLM news release, 6/9/10)
The BLM's Amboy National Natural Landmark Recreation Area will be undergoing reconstruction, including paving of the area’s access road beginning June 12, with completion anticipated by June 27, 2010. The construction project will provide the public with a smooth all-season paved road, replacing the current largely un-maintained gravel road. The road will be closed to ensure public safety and to increase project efficiency.
"BLM announces upcoming prescribed burn in Laguna Mountain, Clear Creek" (BLM news release, 6/8/10)
The Bureau of Land Management will be conducting a prescribed burn the week of June 14 to reduce fire danger and control the spread of yellow star thistle, an invasive plant, on public lands in the Laguna Mountain and Clear Creek areas in southern San Benito County.
"Current job openings - BLM California" (USAJOBS website)
Current listings include natural resource specialist, and several listings where applicant names are being collected for later hiring.
http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/a9blm-ca.asp |
... is a plant ecologist who has spent more than 15 years on surveys, research and recovery planning for endangered plants and animals of the San Joaquin Valley bioregion. She represents the public-at-large on the Carrizo Plain National Monument Advisory Committee:
WILDLIFE TRIVIA answer and related websites
(d.) fishing while wearing a mink coat
SOURCE: "Mink - Mustela vison" (BLM California wildlife database)
The mink is an excellent swimmer and is often seen catching fish, crayfish, turtles, and frogs. They have an ability to dive into the water at least 15 feet deep to catch their prey!
http://www.blm.gov/ca/forms/wildlife/details.php?metode=serial_number&search=2748 |
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Bureau of Land Management
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