A publication of Bureau of Land Management in California
Issue 434 - 6/3/10
- Wild horses and burros: New direction, honoring the fallen, boot camp
- Renewable energy
- America's Great Outdoors
- Not for educators only: Wildlife trivia question of the week
- Wildfires and prevention
- Headlines and highlights
- Employee profile
- Selected upcoming events
- National items: Acting directors at BLM, MMS
Also see this issue of News.bytes online at:
"BLM Director seeks input for new direction in national Wild Horse and Burro program" (BLM news release, 6/3/10)
Bureau of Land Management Director Bob Abbey today announced that the agency is taking the Federal Wild Horse and Burro Program in an unprecedented new direction, and is seeking in-depth public comment on a Strategy Development Document implementing Secretary Ken Salazar’s Wild Horse and Burro Initiative. "It’s a new day, and we need a fresh look at the Wild Horse and Burro Program," Abbey said. "As part of this effort, we want all those with an interest in wild horses and burros and their public lands to consider our initial ideas and offer their own."
RELATED: "The Secretary's wild horse and burro initiative: A plan for public engagement" (BLM national website)
Report by the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution. (PDF file, 32 pages)
RELATED: "Executive summary"
...of the above report. (PDF file, 3 pages)
"Mustangs and burros available for adoption in Lakeport" (BLM news release, 5/19/10)
This weekend: Wild horses and burros from the ranges of northern California and Nevada will be offered to the public for adoption, when the Bureau of Land Management brings them to the Lake County Fairgrounds in Lakeport on Saturday, June 5.
"Honoring the fallen" (Barstow Desert Dispatch, 5/28/10)
"Members of the Marine Corps Logistics Base’s Mounted Color Guard present the Stars and Stripes at a Memorial Day ceremony at Lenwood Elementary School Friday ... the first of many appearances it will make throughout the country this summer ... The Marine Corps acquired each horse from the Bureau of Land Management’s Adopt-a-Mustang program."
"The neigh-saying is positive at Lancaster's Wild Horse Boot Camp" (Los Angeles Times, 5/31/10)
"A crash course in horse whispering for beginners, the program was created more than a decade ago by Lifesavers Wild Horse Rescue, an organization that provides refuge, training and adoption placement."
"California wild horse and burro adoption schedule" (BLM-California)
This schedule is subject to change. Please check back frequently or call the contact numbers listed.
"Renewable energy fast track projects" (BLM website)
One-stop information center: The BLM has launched new web pages for easy access to federal and state information on “fast-track” development of wind, solar, and transmission siting on BLM-managed public lands within California. These include nine solar, three wind, and two transmission projects.
"Wind farms could interfere with flight patterns, radar systems, military says" (Riverside Press-Enterprise, 5/31/10)
"The Department of Defense says six large-scale wind farms proposed in the Mojave Desert near Barstow would interfere with military operations and should not be built. The military opposition prompted ... Horizon Wind Energy last week to withdraw applications for three of the wind farms, said Greg Miller, the renewable energy program manager for the Bureau of Land Management's Desert District. The bureau is handling the applications because the wind farms would be on public land."
"Southwestern US prepares for geothermal energy" (Renewable Energy World.com, 6/2/10)
"Government preparations for geothermal land leasing and for project environmental studies are progressing in California, thanks to coordinated efforts by a host of federal, state and local authorities. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has auctioned off a new round of land leases in the state's hot-rock region in the southwest and three new areas are being prepared for bids ... the California Energy Commission recently published a project guidebook, or manual, on environmental review issues for projects ..."
http://www.ca.blm.gov/8jz |
"Finished trail is 35 miles of pure heaven" (Stockton Record, 6/2/10)
"Peering down from a lofty turnout on a dirt trail, through bows of lush oak and pine trees with an underpining of manzanita, the Sacramento River appeared before us like a swath of crystal blue water cutting through wild lands where mountains converge, a sight not open to the public. Until now."
RELATED: "BLM will dedicate new connection between Rail Trail and River Trail" (BLM news release, 5/27/10)
The final link in a recreation trail loop around Keswick Reservoir will be dedicated for public use in a ribbon cutting celebration hosted by the Bureau of Land Management and its partners on Saturday, June 5, at 10 a.m. near Keswick Dam. The celebration, will include refreshments, awards and a bike ride.
"BLM hosting free interpretive Trinity River float trip" (BLM news release, 6/2/10)
Spectacular scenery and historic tales will highlight a free Trinity River float trip offered by the Bureau of Land Management on Saturday, June 12, in observance of the 10th anniversary of the National Landscape Conservation System. Participants can reserve spaces on BLM rafts or bring their own watercraft suitable for the river.
"Youth Alive!, BLM offer overnight hike for teens"(Redwood Times, 6/2/10)
This will be an "overnight hike to the mouth of the Mattole, leaving on Tuesday, June 29 and returning on Wednesday, June 30. Participants must register by June 22 ... Backpacks and other equipment are available for hike participants upon request."
"Let’s Move Outside!" (U.S. Department of the Interior press release, 6/1/10)
Let’s Move Outside! will engage young people from all backgrounds in a range of educational programs and self-guided activities on America’s public lands and waters. From hiking and biking, to swimming, paddling, and horseback riding, these activities promise to be fun, healthy, and family friendly. Throughout the summer, Let’s Move Outside! programs and events will be held in conjunction with schools, community groups, and other partners.

coast horned lizard
If you were trapped in a small space with a coast-horned lizard, how might it escape, distract you, entertain you and/or gross you out? By:
(a.) breaking off its own tail.
(b.) spraying a foul-smelling irritant.
(c.) turning its stomach inside out and expelling the contents.
(d.) spraying blood from its eyes.
(e.) attempting to discuss the latest plot developments in "Gossip Girl."
------> See answer -- and more wildlife stories-- near the end of this issue of News.bytes.
"Butte County homeowners urged to get serious about fire safety" (Oroville Mercury-Register, 5/31/10)
"The number of homes and businesses in areas of California where urban uses blend with wildlands has grown to 3.2 million ... Debra Hein of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management is reminding homeowners in foothill and wildlands areas to create 100 feet of defensible space ... so firefighters can protect it or keep a nearby fire from traveling onto your property."
"Fire safety education spreading like wildfire" (Paradise Post, 6/1/10)
"Many sixth-grade students walked away from school last week for the summer with some valuable information about wildfire safety from a curriculum sparked by the Butte County Fire Safe Council that is starting to catch on in other counties ... Sixth grade is a good time to teach the lessons because at that age they're old enough to make a real difference and have already learned about fire safety in the home through firefighter-taught lessons including stop, drop and roll." The program is supported by community and corporate donations and the Bureau of Land Management, through the California Fire Safe Council.
"Agencies will open fire season Monday, June 7" (BLM news release, 6/1/10)
Northeast California’s wildfire season officially opens Monday, June 7, officials at the Susanville Interagency Fire Center have announced. The “official” fire season announcement informs people that fire risks are increasing as the weather warms.
"Calif. lawmakers seek night flights to battle wildfires" (Environment and Energy Daily in FireRescue1, 5/28/10)
After "a series of fatal crashes in the late 1970s, the U.S. Forest Service stopped training pilots to fly at night and instead "depends on county governments and other partners for its overnight air needs ... Along with looking into night flying, the Forest Service and Interior Department are planning to focus their efforts on forests near urban centers. The service intends to conduct timber thinning to cut fire risks on 2.3 million acres of forest, said Mike Pool, deputy director of Interior's Bureau of Land Management."
http://www.ca.blm.gov/7jz |
"Owens Valley monitoring decreases incidents of petroglyph defacement" (Mammoth Times, 5/28/10)
"The Owens Valley is one of the very special places in the West where Native American petroglyphs can be seen in rock faces and cliff walls ... defacement of this rock art undermines and threatens their historical value." After paintball damage to petroglyphs in nearby Nevada, "the adult male involved faces jail time and fines of up to $100,000 ... 'We actually have seen less defacement in the last 15 years, and I think it’s because of our heightened awareness and monitoring,' said Greg Haverstock, archaeologist for the Bureau of Land Management in Bishop."
"BLM announces application period for El Mirage subgroup" (BLM news release, 5/27/10)
Persons interested in serving on the subgroup should meet at least one of the following qualifications pertaining to the El Mirage Cooperative Management Recreation Area located on the western edge of San Bernardino County near the LA County line: be a user, stakeholder, reside in a neighboring community, or qualify by virtue of knowledge of or experience with the El Mirage Recreation Area.
"BLM responds to county's opening of roads" (Hollister Freelance, 5/26/10)
"In response to the San Benito County Board of Supervisors opening the county roadways that go through Clear Creek Management Area on April 6, the Bureau of Land Management and the board traded letters during Tuesday's meeting describing some of the possible issues it could present."
"BLM may restrict dogs on city's trails" (Palm Springs Desert Sun, 5/27/10)
"BLM officials plan to ask the Palm Desert council at its June 10 meeting to ban all dogs -- except for service dogs -- from its trails except for the Gabby Hayes and Homestead trails and the section of the Hopalong Cassidy Trail that connects the two. Leashes would be required on designated dog trails, BLM officials said. The change is needed to bring the city in compliance with the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan ... created to preserve habitat that is home to 27 of the desert's endangered and protected species."
"Current job openings - BLM California" (USAJOBS website)
SELECTED UPCOMING EVENTS Unless otherwise noted, find more details -- and more events -- online at:
June 6 - Guided field trip to view wildflowers - pre-registration required
Salmon falls
June 12 - Interpretive hike: "Birds of the Lost Coast" - call to sign up
King Range National Conservation Area
June 12 - Trinity Wild and Scenic River 10th anniversary celebration
Contact the BLM Redding Field Office for information
"Interim director named for drilling agency" (New York Times, 5/28/10)
"Interior Secretary Ken Salazar on Friday named Bob Abbey, director of the department’s Bureau of Land Management, as interim director of the Minerals Management Service, the scandal-ridden agency responsible for oversight of offshore drilling." BLM Deputy Director and former BLM California State Director Mike Pool, will take over as acting director of the BLM.
RELATED: "BLM Director Bob Abbey to Serve as Acting Director of the Minerals Management Service" (Department of the Interior press release, 5/28/10)
"Abbey will begin the process of managing the reorganization of MMS into three separate agencies. He will remain BLM director during this period but will turn over his daily management duties to deputy director Mike Pool."
WILDLIFE TRIVIA answer and related websites
(d.) spraying blood from its eyes.
SOURCE: "Coast-horned lizard - Phrynosoma blainvillii" (BLM California wildlife database)
Other wildlife stories related to the BLM in California:
"Pond turtle surprises caretakers at wildlife refuge" (San Diego Union-Tribune, 6/1/10)
"While checking out a new fence at the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge, Jill Terp heard a big splash in a nearby creek and made an exciting discovery: a turtle she didn’t recognize ... Terp and colleague John Martin, identified last month’s find as a Southwestern pond turtle. It is a species in decline that has been designated 'of special concern' by the state of California and sensitive by the federal Bureau of Land Management. It had never been found in the area before."
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Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1834
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600
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