Have a look at vobcopy. The command
vobcopy -l
will get the title with the most chapters from your default dvd device
and pipe it out to one large .vob file in your current working
directory, giving it a filename that is the same as the title of the
DVD. This looks like exactly what you're trying to do using the cat
command you included, but without the repeated headers and bad data
caused by the concatenation that makes ffmpeg complain. The man page
lists a lot of other options that may also be useful, including
mirroring the entire DVD and copying out one title from an already
mirrored DVD or a specified mount point. You can also specify that
multiple files be created with a given size limit, default is 2GB
without the -l option. I did notice that my test copy made the filename
the title of the DVD plus a 1 at the end, but I think that can be
changed in options as well, especially if you want only one file.
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