Hypra provides 14 inch machines, with Debian and all set for
accessibility (-Orca, good voice, Mate desktop, Firefox, Libreoffice,
Thunderbird, etc). They provide also a high human support to learn and
maintain the machine. Just the machine is not powerfol (NL51GU for 15 inch).
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization
Le 22/01/2022 à 21:16, Linux for blind general discussion a écrit :
I am looking for a Linux machine to use in graduate CS courses. I probably
want Ubuntu or another common distro that comes with the screen reader (I
assume Orca) and other a11y stuff already installed. I like small, light
laptops (since I don't use the screen) that have decent memory and battery
life. Which machines are your favorites.
Thanks for the tip on VmWare the other day, BTW.
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