When I run Slint, my twitter client, Cawbird is not natively available
threw either slapt-get or slapt-src, so I install it using flatpak.
Applications such as Skype is also easier to install and maintain using
flatpak. Yes, I know you can probably install it some other way, but why
make your own life harder?
Warm regards,
Brandt Steenkamp
Sent from the Fedora machine, using Thunderbird
On 2021/11/30 18:50, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
What would a flatpak do for me as a desktop gui user? My understanding
is that is supposed to allow me to run packages which are not part of
the distribution in what is so called a sandbox. but if the gui
version of it is not accessible it would be of limited use for me. I
will install it anyway once you make it available.
On 11/29/21 7:22 PM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Hi Ibrahim and All,
no Micro is not provided by Slint (yet). I learned its existence
today <smile>.
I have built flatpak and pipe-viewer and also its GUI gtk-pipe-viewer
(not fully
accessible, but nice).
It took me more time than anticipated, but expect a big batch of
updates for
Slint tomorrow (37 packages, including the many dependencies of file
I did some reading and tests with flatpak, and wouldn't recommend to
use that,
especially if space on disk is a concern.
Worth reading about that:
However, "chose promise, chose due" as we say here, a flatpak package
will be
available for Slint users tomorrow.
Le 30/11/2021 à 00:30, Linux for blind general discussion a écrit :
Thanks a bundle for all of you folks. I did not know how much of a
discussion my innocent and naive question would generate. I learned
a lot from your answers. Although I have never messed with
configuration files since the days of the autoexec.bat in the days
of dos, I think I have enough courage to play with changing some
configuration settings using some of the editors you suggested.
I launched few of them both in the desktop and in the terminal and I
found geany and nano to be easy. I did not find Micro, I guess it is
not preinstalled on slint.
I know that my editing needs would be very basic.
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