Re: have any of you mannaged to successfully install linux alongside with windows?

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Thanks a million Didier,

This is a great handbook. One of the things which discouraged me from adopting linux in the past was the lack of easy to follow documentations. Everytime I tried, I found myself browsing in highly technical documents that sounded like a foreign language to me. This handbook seems to avoid this problem.
I will certainly try slint, if it can be used as a live install without 
having to physically install on my hard disc. I will also browse this 
handbook to learn more about slint.
Thanks for this. I will certainly need your help if I install it on my 
hard disc. What I want ideally is the ability to have both linux and 
windows running on the same machine, and I choose which one to start at 


On 10/31/21 4:06 AM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Hello Ibrahim,

this is easily done with Slint, if Windows boots in EFI mode:

Didier Spaier
Slint maintainer

Le 31/10/2021 à 04:18, Linux for blind general discussion a écrit :
Hello folks,

I have been playing with Linux mint and Accessible Coconut for over 24 hours. I am getting to like this system. However, When I contemplated installing on my hard disk, I found the installation process a little confusing and scary. I always reverted back and aborted the installation to prevent an unintended damage to my windows operating system.
If any of you have successfully managed to install linux alongside 
with windows on the same hard disk, please advise me on how to go 
about it safely.


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