Re: Solus and Broken Speech

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Meant to send this to the list, but for me once installed the choppiness went away but I did have it on a live system yes, but as said once installed it works fine here.
I installed Mate first and then added Budgie on top of it since the 
Budgie .iso I got errored out during install
On 7/31/21 4:18 PM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:

Thanks for getting back to me.

Did you have the choppiness on the live system?  I'm playing with the live, so, don't know whether I'll have it on the installed.  Can try the Budgie or GNOME; see if the speech is smoothe.


Dave H.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 31, 2021, at 5:11 AM, Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Oddly enough I've not noticed the choppiness with the Budgie desktop, so I'm wondering if it's something Mate spin specific with how Solus does things though?

On 7/31/21 3:25 AM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
I'm now running Solus and find that both pulseaudio and pipewire are actual
executable files.  Furthermore, pipewire is not running, as indicated by

ps aux |grep pipewire

Only return is my command.

When I do the same thing, but with pulseaudio, I get several lines.  I'm
going to assume this means that pulseaudio is running.  What, next, to try,
to smoothe this speech out?


Dave  H.

On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 1:56 AM Linux for blind general discussion <
blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Yes. If Pipewire is installed, pulseaudio would be a symlink. Try
running file like so:

file /usr/bin/pulseaucio

This should tell you exactly what you're dealing with. It does appear
you will want to change your AudioOutputMethod to "alsa" in
/etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf. That will be the easiest way to
solve the choppy speech problem I think.


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