Are you looking for something witha GUI installer? If so, Ubuntu mate
should be good. Also, I am using fedora mate spin and is very
accessinble. There is also accessible accocanut which is based on
ubuntu 20.jd. Also if you want a text installer, slint is a very good
choice. also debian is also good. So, as you can see there are a few
good choices avalible.
On 4/30/2021 1:20 PM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
I am a totally blind person and a LONG time Windows/Jaws/NVDA user. I
am wondering what would be a recommendation for the best distro/GUI
environment to begin using? I would love to be able to move away from
Windows and use Linux full time for browsing, email, word processing
and spreadsheets. I have a Thinkpad X220 that I can use for Linux.
About 15 years ago, I played around with Venux, but that project seems
to be dormant now. I have a Pi 3B+ running some ham radio software and
I have to SSH into it occasionally and perform some command line
stuff. For daily usage, I want a full GUI environment.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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