I mostly use Thunderbird for checking/responding to emails on two
accounts really. The way I understood it was Lightning had been moved
from an addon to an integral bit of Thunderbird.
Far as desktops go, I use Mate on my system so I'm not sure how that'd
affect things really, but I'm always interested in trying out other
clients. I've used Alpine/mutt/neomutt before but I prefer the
simplicity of a GUI client personally, unless there's a very, very
simple CLI client that has the features I need, I can set up immediately
and get running on my Ubuntu Mate system?
On 18/03/2021 15:29, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Tim here.
I know that it's possible to hide the icon-bar(s) at the top and to
reconfigure them to remove unused portions. Though I'm not sure how
accessible the "modify toolbars" interface is. However, I'm not sure
about the tabbing-twice-to-get-to-the-subject-field aspect.
As for alternative programs, I guess it would depend on what features
of Thunderbird that you use. Do you use multiple accounts or just
one email account? Do you use any other plug-ins for things like
encrypted/signed email, RSS, or calendaring (I think that's what
Lightning is, but I'm a tad confused there, since I had understood it
had been moved to an add-on, so you should be able to use the add-on
manager to remove it if you don't want Lightning to appear in your
Of similar functionality to Thunderbird:
If you use a Gnome-based desktop, then Evolution might fit your
If you use a KDE-based desktop, KMail might suffice.
Both of those are fairly tightly tied to their desktop environment,
so the accessiblity should be comparable.
I primarily use Claws mail, though I'm not sure how well it
plays with other accessiblity tech like Orca.
>From the other end, there are a number of CLI mail clients that would
be roughly as accessible as your terminal. I know that both
mutt/neomutt and alpine have some configuration options to make it
more screen-reader/Braille friendly; there's aerc and sup/alot too,
though I have less experience with them. If you use a single mail
account with something like fetchmail and sendmail, the classic
"mail" program works pretty well.
With a better idea of how you use mail (and how comfortable you are
at a command-line), it might help us give better ideas/suggestions.
On March 18, 2021, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
So is there a way I can declutter Thunderbird to be simpler/easier
to navigate? I don't /need/ Lightningtaking up space, or having to
tab twice in writing a message to get to the subject field.
So can I do anything to declutter Thunderbird. Or are there any
alternative email programs that are just as good as Thunderbird
that work great with Orca?
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