Hello Jude and list,
Telling "I'm not certain sending functions work yet", "may not have been
buikt the last time" or "Other distributions may have better compiled
versions of telegram-cli available" don't help to find issues in the
package, if any."
What I need is actual testing by users, stating what works and what
doesn't after having actually tried.
So please try the sending functions and report your findings, whatever
they be. A good report could look like "I did this, excpected result A,
got result B."
I never used myself telegram, so I have to rely on end users to file
bugs in a way then allow to find what's wrong, case occurring.
I am also eager of feedback on any other package shipped in Slint.
Best regards
Didier Spaier
Slint maintainer
On 12/09/2019 17:25, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
On slint we have telegram-cli and although receiving functions work I'm
not certain sending functions work yet. It is a new slint package
having first lived in slackbuilds repository so may not have been built
properly this last time. Other distributions may have better compiled
versions of telegram-cli available. It's worth checking. You will need
a cell phone and to provide your cell phone number to telegram-cli to
set up an account since for future logins you'll use your username and
the provided login code. The login code is sent to your cell phone and
you enter it on the computer to finish setting up your account.
On Wed, 11 Sep 2019, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2019 22:42:15
From: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Comunicating from your Linux machine?
Telegram works fine here using emacs +emacspeak.
Is there a specialized client you run to make that work, or can it run in a
regular terminal? The Telegram app I saw was a graphical app, but I think I
don't have something set properly, although I assume it's a qt5 app, and I
had Mumble qt5 working. I would prefer something that interfaces with
Pidgin, so I stick to the phone for Telegram, as I just didn't look hard
enough to find a Pidgin plugin, and Pidgin here seems to have trouble with
voice. That said, looking for telegram didn't yield a Pidgin plugin,
although I do recall seeing a text client, though it seems it was separate
from the "official" (air quotes there) client.
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