Re: Ebrowse?

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I confess it might be me not knowing how to properly use them, but
I've tried links(spelled like the links of a chain or on a webpage),
elinks, lynx(spelled like the type of cat), w3m, edbrowse, and browsh
at one point or another, and I consider none of them as remotely
accessible as Firefox with Orca.

Setting aside the killer feature that is the navigational hotkeys
provided by Orca and its Windows competitors, I can't even figure out
how to open webpages in edbrowse or w3m, the others load pages just
fine, but render multi-column webpages with all columns on screen,
causing screen readers to interleave the columns in a way that makes
no sense, Browsh, best I can tell, is the only one I've successfully
loaded pages on that seems to allow line-by-line navigation of the
page instead of requiring the use of a screen reader's screen review
functions, and yet that's rendered useless because something about
browsh causes every line of the page text to be interrupted by the
page title if I don't use screen review. Plus browsh is just a
text-mode front end to Firefox, so it has a downright massive
footprint for a text-mode web browser.

Firefox is the only reason I regularly launch the GUI, and I would
love to ditch it in favor of a text-mode browser, but every text
browser I've tried, in my opinion at least, has serious usability
issues before even getting to their lackluster support for rich web


Jeffery Wright
Bachelor of Computer Science
President Emeritus, Nu Nu Chapter, Phi Theta Kappa.

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