Re: web hosting ideas?

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I am not sure a midi mag connection is a positive one especially if nameless grin. However Ken, your resources were first rate. Learned much about what I am seeking at this stage, shared hosting, with In Motion likely where I will start first.

On Sat, 7 Jul 2018, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:

Perhaps consider talking w/me. You know me from the midimag-ex list. has ways to contact me, should you wish.

On 7/7/18, Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Ken,
Will explore the resources   you provide here.
As stated, i have absolute zero interest in  managing the setup on my own.
i wish to know they will manage the servers, upgrade the software  and
everything else.
shellworld is a good example  of the sort of service I wish, with my
preferring to keep  our organization's  various  hosting needs apart from
where I do things personally.
I admit space is important, especially if we are going to  put sites
there, we have several hours of radio materials that will go there at some
point.  Thankful beyond measure dreamhost never got that stuff.  getting
our archived mail and files will be pain enough laughs.

On Sat, 7 Jul 2018, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:

Tim here.

First, my condolences regarding Dreamhost.  They used to be good, but
they were bought out by EIG (Endurance International Group).  That's
EIG's MO.  They buy good hosting companies to obtain the customers
and then ruin the property.  Twice now I've found a great hosting
company and migrated there, only to have EIG buy them out and turn
it to [stream of profanity here].  So my first word of advice is to
check lists of EIG-owned properties and avoid them like the plague.
Here's one such list

I'd also avoid "1&1" hosting based on my past experiences with them.

Once you know who *not* to pick, it depends on how much management you
want the hosting company to do. There's managed (often called
"shared" hosting) and unmanaged "VPS" (virtual private server)
hosting. It sounds like you currently have managed hosting where the
hosting service takes care of email, configuring your web-server &
database, and you just customize with your domain-name,
web-content/applications, and mail-addresses.  It can usually be
found cheaper than VPS hosting because they share one server's
resources across a LOT of customers.

With a VPS it's more like tou get a virtual machine and you're
responsible for administering it.  You can usually choose the OS
(usually from popular Linux distributions, but some also provide
FreeBSD or OpenBSD which I've come to prefer), choose which servers
you want to run (mail, web-server, database, IRC, whatever), install
those, and you are responsible for upgrades too.  For these, I've been
pleased with (or heard good things from people I trust about) OVH,
Vultr, Digital Ocean, and Linode.  For basic email and light
web-hosting, any of their low-end plans should suffice, including
Vultr's $2.50/mo which is about the lowest-price-for-best-features
I've seen.  Most of the others have reasonable starter plans around
$5/mo which may be a better price-point for you.  With 1GB of RAM and
20-30GB of disk-space, you shouldn't have any issues (unless you're
hosting large files).

For managed/shared hosting, here are a couple recent reviews of such

though I'd eliminate any EIG properties from consideration.  There
are lots of such services and they vary in cost depending on how much
hand-holding you need, phone-support, whether you want SSH access (I
consider this a must-have), disk space, number of databases and email
addresses, etc.  You should be able to get something pretty
reasonable for $5/month.


On July  7, 2018, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Hi folks,
I realize many of you do your own servers and the like, so I am
going to ask this question with great care.  My needs are rather
specific, and even if they seem old fashioned, they are rooted in
part in how my specific disability experiences manifest just now.
I work with a nonprofit organization with several program areas in
more than one country.
presently our  web needs are housed with dreamhost.
Their hosting accounts include a fairly solid shell structure, in
Ubuntu, including programs like alpine.  I use ssh  telnet to reach
these services and must have comparative access where ever i go.
Dreamhost made security changes about a week ago which now block my
ssh access.  while I may discover a work around, their mail server
behavior has been loopy for a while so...a blessing lies in all
this mayhem. I am going to contact one shell service of which I am
already aware, preferring not to bring all of my Internet life here
to shellworld. So, yes there is a question laughs.
Can you suggest a comparative hosting service that
a, provides a functional shell as apart of their account.
b allows for more than one domain to be hosted with them, including
sftp access and a great deal of account space.
c. has good customer service
d, is reasonably priced?
dreamhost donates hosting accounts to 501c3 organizations, so it
has been a free ride.
I do not expect that to continue, but I do  hope to find  something

Thanks for your ideas if any.
Oh, I have no interest whatsoever in hosting my needs on my own.  I
lack both the resources and talent for such a venture here in
Toronto. Thanks,

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