The slapt-getrc line:
probably returns an error 404 repository not found using that source
On Tue, 10 Oct 2017, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 16:04:43
From: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Testers wanted before the official release] Slint64-4.2.1
release candidate is accessible.
The two slapt-getrc lines are identical unless there is a case difference I missed.
Yes my mistake, sorry, corrected in a further post that maybe you missed:
You do need to write slint-testing instead of slint-14.2, else the next
"slapt-get --upgrade" will actually downgrade your system to the
previous released version, that don't speak!
Also, I have edited the file
to mention the need to press [Enter] after booting.
Please let me know if anything is wrong, unclear, badly worded or missing:
English is a second language for me and I am not comfortable using it.
Proposals for enhancements are welcome.
I have had success getting my wireless network up with nmtui.
I went into the graphical environment and got to the cancel or launch screen of networkmanager but could only activate the cancel button but I think that's because I did not figure out what I discovered with nmtui yet.? With nmtui I edited connections and removed wired and then nmtui found my wireless connection easily.? I edited that connection and got to the cancel and OK buttons.? I couldn't get them working for a little bit until I used the right arrow key on the numberpad to move to ok and then hit enter.? After I did that and restarted the system I ran lynx and got to the lynx home page.? I suspect use of the right arrow on numberpad with numbers turned off will also work in networkmanager but haven't tried that yet.
So, at least nmtui is working. I will mention that somewhere.
On Tue, 10 Oct 2017, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 07:49:53
From: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Testers wanted before the official release] Slint64-4.2.1
??? release candidate is accessible.
thanks for testing.
Le 09/10/2017 ? 01:20, Linux for blind general discussion a ?crit :
I have this version of slint installed and talking in console mode so
Good. Please report any issue.
I'll test the graphical user interface after doing some post-install and getting slapt-get up and working.
I need to testnetwork connection too.
Well, indeed slapt-get's usage needs an active network connection.
Assuming a wired one, NetworkManager should work out of the box.
For a wireless one, I have only used the GUI applet yet, will try the
other tools to figure out which are accessible. But maybe you already
know that.
Then, for slapt-get to work with the right sources of packages you need
to tentatively edit as root the file /etc/slapt-get/slapt-getrc
modifying this line:
so it become
This is because Slint64-14.2.1 being not yet officially released its
packages are in a specific repository for at the moment.
Then just type as root:
slapt-get --add-keys
slapt-get -u # or slapt-get --update
From time to time, run:
slapt-get -u
slapt-get --upgrade
the update notification icon of then panel being probably not
accessible. As usual to know more:
man slapt-get
With slint, the dvd runs once installed for a while then stops.
I hit enter once then slint found my speakers and in a little bit
started talking.
Do you mean that when the bootloader is ready (after having rebooted
with the DVD inserted) you don't hear a beep? Maybe you machine doesn't
provide the "beep"?
Once it was installed with lilo, I had to hit enter after boot for the
system to come up and start talking.? This is for those that never
installed a slackware system before so you know to not give up at
those apparent stop points.
Yes, by default the system starts after a 2 minute delay unless set
otherwise in /etc/lilo.conf (and if EFI is used there is no time out at
all so pressing [Enter] is mandatory to boot).
Maybe I should reduce this delay when using lilo to 10 or 15 seconds?
Thanks for pointing this out. I will mention that in this file:
Great having accessible slackware back and more accessible than original
slackware ended up being since slint works with sound cards for speech.
Thanks for the encouragement and please give feedback about speech
in graphical environments when you can.
Didier Spaier
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