good, but i dont know what screen reader can be used there. jaws 3.3 i
dont think it supports xp. Anyway, go ahead and try! If msaa can be
installed and nvda can be run, it'll be great! We get linux and windows!
On 02/20/2017 03:01 PM, The Wolf wrote:
I would try it with xp and see if u get any difference
I mean seeing what stuff works and what stuff doesn't.
On 2/19/2017 11:57 PM, Amir wrote:
sure wine can run up to 10!
winetricks win**
replace asterest with xp, 2k, 98, and so on. not sure how to get 8,
81 or 10 running using commands. need to go to winetricks.
the problem is installing msaa, i am not sure how to get it
installed, i have the installer, downloaded from microsoft, dated on
2003. it is only 700 kb, strange isnt it? i enter, the winzip
extracter appeared, hit enter. it extracted under ~.wine/drive_c and
there is a msaa folder. inside there is setup.exe, if i run it under
windwos xp it said msaa is included in xp. but if i change it to 98,
it runs without comment nor finish screen. so not sure whether
installed or not.
On 02/20/2017 02:20 PM, The Wolf wrote:
can you get anything greater then win98 to run?
if so you may have a better chance of getting something to run.
if you can get wine to run xp or win7 fore example
please keep me updated
in the mean time I will see what I can do to get a portable nvda to
do u like sendspace or dropbox?
On 2/19/2017 11:15 PM, Amir-Trend Plus wrote:
i tried running thunder portable, i can only hear the thunder, no
screen reader voice. i think that the msaa is not installed here,
but since jaws 33 run on win98, it does not require msaa to read
things. but its ok too if you can provide nvda portable, so that i
can test. hope the result is different!
On 20 Feb 2017, at 1:12 PM, The Wolf <hank.smith966@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
do you know how to make a nvda portable?
if not I can make one and get it to you.
On 2/19/2017 9:53 PM, Amir wrote:
good news! let me explain clearly, sorry if unclear.
first i install wine and all packages, winetricks and so on.
and i use storm dragon's script to get sapi working.
and then i download jaws 3.3 from the internet, and then i set
the windows to 98. Not sure what version of windwos works with
jaws 3.3 though. I think i will try xp next time. the code is,
winetricks win98
next, i run jaws 33 installer, wine jaws3.3.exe /silent . Maybe
the file name is similar, but something like that. The winzip
self extracting dialog pops up, thanks to ocr desktop, i can read
that message. so i hit enter to continue.
then doctor jaws came, and i got error. Don't enter on the error
message, because if you did that, the jaws will be installed. The
purpose of me trying to avoid installation of jaws is, it cant be
run from the installed version, meaning if you use the jfw.exe
and enter, it will complaint about video driver not install. So
for now, just ignore the dialog and use doctor jaws, with
eloquence, working. Next, open the windows applications that you
want, it should work hopefully! I was able to register super
football using jaws, it reads and speaks what i've typed!
if yours doesnt work, just to let you know that i also try
installing the msaa but i didnt get finish screen so i dont know
whether it is successfull or not. Now, need to find the nvda
portable, if i can get it running, it'll be great!
On 02/20/2017 11:26 AM, The Wolf wrote:
if jaws doesn't work, try nvda
On 2/19/2017 8:17 PM, Amir wrote:
take a look at:
i've downloaded it, and try installing it using the /silent
flag in wine, and it said 13 files extracted. now i am going to
run the jaws demo and see whether it works or not.
anyone can comment on this?
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