good news! let me explain clearly, sorry if unclear.
first i install wine and all packages, winetricks and so on.
and i use storm dragon's script to get sapi working.
and then i download jaws 3.3 from the internet, and then i set the
windows to 98. Not sure what version of windwos works with jaws 3.3
though. I think i will try xp next time. the code is,
winetricks win98
next, i run jaws 33 installer, wine jaws3.3.exe /silent . Maybe the
file name is similar, but something like that. The winzip self
extracting dialog pops up, thanks to ocr desktop, i can read that
message. so i hit enter to continue.
then doctor jaws came, and i got error. Don't enter on the error
message, because if you did that, the jaws will be installed. The
purpose of me trying to avoid installation of jaws is, it cant be run
from the installed version, meaning if you use the jfw.exe and enter, it
will complaint about video driver not install. So for now, just ignore
the dialog and use doctor jaws, with eloquence, working. Next, open the
windows applications that you want, it should work hopefully! I was able
to register super football using jaws, it reads and speaks what i've typed!
if yours doesnt work, just to let you know that i also try installing
the msaa but i didnt get finish screen so i dont know whether it is
successfull or not. Now, need to find the nvda portable, if i can get it
running, it'll be great!
On 02/20/2017 11:26 AM, The Wolf wrote:
if jaws doesn't work, try nvda
On 2/19/2017 8:17 PM, Amir wrote:
take a look at:
i've downloaded it, and try installing it using the /silent flag in
wine, and it said 13 files extracted. now i am going to run the jaws
demo and see whether it works or not.
anyone can comment on this?
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