seems i soon are forced to leave the list
a new spammer named twanda...
Den 2016-11-13 kl. 21:03, skrev Kyle:
According to Jeffery Mewtamer:
# Honestly, I've never understood the "sent from x" meme. Like anyone
# really gives a damn whether you were on your smartphone, or home
# computer, or a school computer when you typed a message.
Exactly the point of my random signature. It always changes, and isn't
dependent on my device. I started it as a joke, sort of a protest
against the whole "Sent from my <insert device of the day here>" kind
of thing that I started seeing probably nearly 15 years ago when mms
to e-mail started getting popular. Then I started seeing "Sent from my
iPhone" on Android lists and "Sent from my Android device using K9
mail. Please excuse my brevity," "Sent from my iPhone" etc on Linux
lists and figured it would be much better to simply make fun of it
rather than rant about it, so my random sig was born. Up to now I have
sent from every room in the house, nearly every constellation in the
zodiac, if not all the known constellations in the sky, every safe for
work part of my body, various places on earth and in space, many song
titles and lyrics by Prince, and much much more, with many more to
come. I try not to post the same one twice, because one or another has
been seen before, but I don't use any kind of script to randomize
things, as they repeat far more often than I do lol. Anyway, that's
just a bit of the boring history of the thing <smile>.
Sent from my funky music
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