Re: a very challenging question?

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On Wed, 24 Dec 2014, Tim Chase wrote:

No sweat -- I'm very much from the school of "whatever works for you
to get things done".  The biggest reasons to hang onto the shellworld
account would include (1) that's where your email already comes so
you wouldn't have to update all your contacts with a new email
address, (2) somebody else manages the headache of administering and
backing up your space there, and (3) if something gets screwed up,
it's someone else's headache. That 2nd one is usually worth the price
alone (and part of why I have a hosting service).

Actually, those are not even necessarily the major advantages.
I consider my computer to be a tool, not a toy. the ability to manage not just my shellworld emails, but two gmail ones, swiftly access pdf rtf word and other file types. Quickly access information, and communicate with associates effortlessly. to send files of any size, including audio, and when I incorporate my use of DOS create files in a variety of formats, now that is starting to get close. The absence of this level of efficiency in another platform would keep me here even without all the icing on the frosting.

> > Advantages of migrating some of the services from shellworld: >
- If you migrate all of them, you can cancel your shellworld
 account and save the cost you were paying.  I don't know what that
 costs, but given that I would generally want to keep my email
 address the same if I could, it would have to be a pretty steep
 cost for me to consider switching.

See above lol!

- you can install whatever you want and aren't beholden to whatever
 limitations that shellworld might impose on you.  Though if
 shellworld really is running FreeBSD and it's a somewhat modern
 version, you might be able to get the admins to create a jail in
 which you can play and install whatever you want.

I have no idea why I would want to do that honestly.
Now, the *only* real disadvantage to shellworld is not being able to directly access, as in follow a link to and reach, media presentation content. That is the only function another open source box can present, assuming that my ssh tellneting to it would not present the same barrier.
Shellworld is really freebsd, says so when I log in.

- security of keeping your data locally rather than entrusting it to
 some other 3rd party

Are you kidding?
Shellworld does backups nightly, and I have lost data here once in over a decade.

- it's a learning experience and can be a lot of fun.

I am a media and entertainment professional managing a couple of companies, I tend to choose my learning experiences based on what translates into the best use of my time.> learning to grow plants is a learning experience and fun, learning to reprogram an operating system that is constantly in flux, is not...or not for me lol.

I think if I were in your situation, I'd do what you suggest and keep
Gee, thanks dad lol!

having elinks working with java scripting in place alone is worth
the price I pay  for shellworld.

I was reading through how to activate javascript in elinks and it
does seem to require jumping through some hoops.

I imagine it would, and someone uses their professionally energy doing that jumping, leaving me to use my professional energy in other ways, while appreciating their effort.

Okay, cool.  It's easier to help when I know for certain that it
actually is SSH instead of telnet.

I corrected the name ssh2021b. is the real one. has ssh telnet and sftp..with other things.

Can you connect to it on your local network but not get it to connect
to the internet?

I cannot connect to it at all, local international or cyber. learning what is or is not present with this box will require the physical presence of a human in person sitting in my office, who knows debian, and uses the same "what works best for you," dictionary.

A common situation I've found is that an ISP will only give out one
IP address.  If you have that coming into a switch (rather than a
router with NAT, Network Address Translation), the first device on
the network gets the one allocated IP address, and anything else is
hosed.  Usually you need a router connected into your DSL modem.  The
router takes that one public IP address and then hands out private
internal IP addresses to all the devices that connect to it (your
DOS machine, your Linux box, any mobile devices you might have, your
coffee-pot, fridge, etc). If that's what you already have configured,
then it would take some more detective work.

Actually according to my DSL provide I believe I can
have 4 ip addresses. Still the modem /rooter combination sitting on my desk solves the problem of any other items needing to connect. It has ports for conventional Ethernet, and will work with wireless devices too. Equally, in theory, the second host, the one for my media nonprofit, gives me ip addresses as well. I could just set up the server using one of those...if that were the only issue.

But that would be my first stop in trouble-shooting since Linux
home-networking usually comes up with zero fuss.
to each his own.

Toronto with either the skill, or the ability to understand the

Hrm.  A shame that Dallas and Toronto are so far apart.  It sounds
like a fun undertaking to me.  If you/we can manage to get the
Linux machine online, I'd be glad to remote into it to help in
whatever way I can.

that's kind, not to sound low in positive energy, but one of the unique things about Linux users at least as I have observed them objectively is the automatic assumption that you *must* build an entirely new house, there way, even if you just have a spot in your carpet. This is not a remote project, networking must be done in person first. I am welcome to play with the structure myself, via ssh telnet, letting me use my already functional speech, if I can get into the box at all.
If I had zero interest, it would not be taking up space in my studio.
I appreciate what the command line environment at shellworld gives me. duplicating that environment in order to fill in the few gaps I have where shellworld is concerned would be worth it to me.
But only those gaps.


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