OK, several weeks ago after alot of back-and-forth, I had to contact their
Europe division which sells version 9 for Linux. They did send a link-and-trial
number. When I installed, it seemed to require my running as root, which
eventually we worked around with a sudo in an option in a script which a `quite
helpful LUG member created for me. Since his script is more than
50lines-and-also I did not ask if I can post. Anyway, it now does an excellent
job scanning.
Their site has its share of javascript, so at least with Lynx, you can see an
option list of currencies, but you cannot ajust from Euros to Dollars. In elinks
you don't even see that list, so Andy looked-and-the home edition is $200 about
twice what I was expecting, but since it does so much better a job than just
running tesseract by itself, I will probably purchase. Thanks for an earlier tip
in finding ABBYYOCR as an option
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