Well, this may be tricky? Several years ago I began running externals to
launch youtube related sites, to either play or download. Last year or so also
running firefox in an xvfb frame buffer to play streams which otherwise I
cannot get an exact url, because of flash and or javascript. So one of our
Linux experts, Dallas, who I convinced to join this list, I mentioned how nice
it would be to run an external to launch a firefox stream. Well, on his
machine, also running Debian, but in bash, it works well. However, my machine
in TCSH, there are inconsistancies. I can run a firefox alias, also running
ff.extern from a commandline, with great results. However, running an
external to play, nothing plays, even though it launches firefox.
Here are the lines Dallas created, some may be commented out?
# EXTERNAL_MENU:http:Firefox:rm -f ~/.asoundrc \; killall -HUP
# firefox-bin \; xvfb-run -a -s '-screen 0 640x480x16'
# firefox -no-remote -a nullvideo -P nullvideo %s :TRUE
EXTERNAL_MENU:http:Firefox:ff.extern %s :TRUE
Back again live, that first line we needed, as alsa or some firefox components
would get stuck. Now, here are lines related from my .alias file:
# setenv DISPLAY ':99'
# no longer needed in Debian, slightly different Xvfb setup
# alias ff 'firefox --display=:99 -P nullvideo '
# alias ff 'xvfb-run firefox -no-remote -a nullvideo -P nullvideo '
alias ff "kaar ; kf ; xvfb-run -a -s '-screen 0 640x480x16' firefox
-no-remote -a nullvideo -P nullvideo "
alias kf "killall -HUP firefox-bin "
alias kaar "rm -f ~/.asoundrc "
alias rp "xvfb-run -a -s '-screen 0 1024x768x16'
/opt/real/RealPlayer/realplay "
alias df 'df -h '
Back again live: An only thing I can think of is that Privoxy is still
Even looking in "ps -a" when running the Lynx external, an only item extra
running is, "sh"
Can some1 please suggest ways to make this work, as it would be so much easier
than always cutting-and-pasting an url from Speakup. Thanks so much in
advance-and maybe if there are obvious items I left out, maybe Dallas will fill
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