Some of you will remember that I've posted about a problem where, in google
and maybe some other websites, I have the impression that I'm not arrowing
down past links when looking at my braille display but with speakup on I
can hear that I am indeed arrowing through the links. I recently
installed arch linux in vmware fusion and am having this problem in that
I'm posting because I've found a couple additional clues about the
(1) When I change from links and form fields being numbered to just
links being numbered, this takes care of the problem though of
course form fields are no longer numbered.
(2) Unfortunately this doesn't totally solve my problem. Even though this
fixes the problem, if I then ssh into a machine that does have lynx
configured with "links and form fields are numbered", even though the
machine into which I have sshed doesn't have this problem when used
directly, the same problem occurs that would occur on the original
installation if I changed back to "links and form fields are numbered".
I'm not sure if this gets me any closer to solving the problem without
having to not have form field numbered, but it seems to me that the
problem must not be in lynx itself. For now, since I like to control my
two linux machines a lot of the time from my vmware installation, I'll
just change them all from "links and form fields are numbered" to "links
are numbered" so I won't encounter this problem when I ssh from the vmware
installation. But I hope eventually to get to the source of the problem so
I can go back to having links and form fields numbered on all machines.
May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You,
Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14, HCSB)
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