First thing to find out is if you even have a slot available to install a
serial card. If no, then look around for a usb to male 9 pin serial
adapter and buy it. If you can also buy a serial modem hook that up to
your adapter and check your hardware inventory after the external serial
modem is installed. Then with a telecommunications program send the
command AT <cr> out over the new serial port. If OK comes up on your
screen, you've just verified both your adapter and modem work. You might
also look at and see what you can find there.On
Sat, 14 Feb 2009, Negoslav Sabev wrote:
Now I have enough money to buy a hardware synthesizer. As you know they are
not so cheep. The last year some kind person pointed me to to
check for such an animal. The synth
that works under Linux, DOS and Windows is DekTalk USB, but it needs RS232
serial port in order to work with DOS and Linux. Does someone here uses this
synth with linux and speakup? And is it possible this to be accomplished
without the serial port. As you know the new desktops, laptops and netbooks
don't have such port installed. If no one has answer, please point me to the
right place to ask such questions. Unfortunately the person I wrote to from
the don't know the answers.Also if you know about alternative
synthesizers or ways to use speakup from boot to shutdown I'd be glad to hear
from you
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