Well, back on January 08, 2008 Tim gave me a quite helpful command to get rid
of blank lines, useing sed. Most times it works quite well, however, when I
try-and-edit an article from the printer friendly version of Time Magazine,
these sample supposedly blank lines will not go away.
* [1]Back to Article
* [2]Click to Print
Thursday, Jul. 30, 2009
With speakup I can hear some stars on a line, I can search-and-replace those,
but there must be other atributes which I cannot get rid of automaticly in Nano
or with this sed command.
I remember in my older DOS days, running World Perfect 6.0, you could get an
ascii value for a charactor highlighted, you could then search or replace it as
well. I suppose there are no Linux WP versions?
Thanks so much in advance
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