Re: ftp on linux?

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>> There is a program called ftp which you should have installed.  (There 
> I installed it a while back. I couldn't get it to log me in. But after 
> trying a bit more I got it to work.

I've never used anything for FTP besides the command-line
interface that comes by default with both Win32 and Linux/BSD
installs.  This works well for a file or two, or for a one-time
batch transfer of files.

However, if you're using Linux/BSD, it can be more efficient to
use the "rsync" program if your hosting service allows for it
(which, if it's running on a Linux/BSD box, may well be the case).

This allows you to keep a remote directory in sync with your
local directory by only transferring the differences, not the
whole content.  It also should default to tunneling over ssh,
whereas FTP sends passwords in plain-text by default.  It's been
a big time-saver when I've been stuck on dialup.

Another alternative would be to use version-control software if
you have it available on both platforms.  Good VCS tools in my
experience would include Subversion, Mercurial, and Bazaar (I
didn't like Git when I first tried it, but it seems to have
stabilized some and may have developed a less unwieldy
interface...lots of folks use it).  Depending on what your
hosting service allows you to install, and what they already have
installed, you can often use one of these with minimal fuss.

With a VCS, you can either push or pull your changes to/from the
server and the server automatically has the latest.

Hope this helps,


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