I am trying to use vim and notice that, if I move onto a line with a
brace, it redraws the corresponding break. I'd think that entering
:syntax off
would prevent this from happening, but it doesn't.
Does anyone know if this behavior can be disabled?
I suspect it's controlled by your 'showmatch' setting which
bounces the cursor briefly to the matching item (where "item" is
a paren, brace, bracket or conditional statement).
To turn it off, you should be able to put
set noshowmatch
in your .vimrc
That should at least prevent moving the cursor.
If it's the colorization of the paren (rather than moving the
cursor) that triggers the problem, there's a plugin that does
this which, I believe, is loaded by default. You can prevent it
from loading by adding
let loaded_matchparen = 1
in your .vimrc or, if you like the behavior occasionally, you can
use the pair of
commands to turn it off/on. As usual, you can map these to a
single keypress if needed.
You can read more in the online help at
:help 'showmatch'
:help pi_paren.txt
:help hl-MatchParen
where you can learn more about tweaking these aspects.
Anything to keep a good vim user from defecting to emacs! (grins,
ducks, and runs)
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