Some general advice about compiling.
First, read the ReadMe file and, if there is one, the Install file that
comes with the source code you're trying to compile. These should tell you
about any dependencies you might need. NOte that if you're using a
package-based distribution such as redhat/fedora or Debian/Ubuntu, you will
need the development versions of any required libraries, not just the
runtime versions. For Redhat and Fedora, this will usually involve
installing a package with devel in the name, for Debian and Ubuntu the
package will have dev in the name.
Second, if ./configure fails, don't bother trying to run Make. Configure
will usually only indicate an error if something important is missing.
Unless configure is able to complete successfully, the sources won't be
ready for you to run make.
finally, if you do get to running make and it errors out, the important
information will not be the final line of output, but several lines further
up. The error will usually indicate a particular type of error in a
specific line of a file.
Hope this helps. My advice is, unless you really need to upgrade anything,
you might want to stick with using packages for now, as compiling can get
complicated if things aren't quite right with the code you're compiling.
and if you do need to upgrade, you may be able to install a more recent
package, rather than having to compile it from sources.
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