Like has been mentioned I guess wait for the final release. It's still
broken on the beta cd right now.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick" <twelvestrings12@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <Blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 10:37 PM
Subject: Ubuntu live CD
Hi list.
Can somebody please tell me which version of Ubuntu orca will work from
the live CD?
I tried Ubuntu 7.04 and I configured orca and it said "switching to focus
tracking." or something like that.
I forget exactly.
Then I tried ubuntu 6.10, I got it to boot, I then hit alt plus F2 and
typed in orca after waiting a few seconds but no speech.
I looked at beta 7.10 but it says you need 320 megabites of ram to install
from the CD and my machine only has 256.
I want to try a live CD first to decide if Linux is for me.
If I like what I see I got 122 gigabites of free space on this hard drive
I want to use for Linux.
From what I read ubuntu sounds like it would be the easiest distro to get
and running for a beginner.
If there is something easier to work with and has a live CD I can check
out I'd be interested in hearing about it, but as it stands I'd really
like to try ubuntu.
Any help would be appreciated and thanks for your patience.
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