At 06:52 AM 4/28/2006, Kirk Reiser wrote:
I never go anywhere without my bookport and have read probably over ten thousand pages since getting it. I find I feel lost if I'm caught out somewhere without it anymore I depend on it so much.
That thing is only $400. Last year I paid over $200 for a NLS cassette player that doesn't do anything but play cassettes.
I also record a lot of radio and TV programs to listen to later. I usually listen to them on my laptop. But the laptop is too big to carry around most of the time. When I take the bus to visit my family, I don't usually want to drag my laptop along.
So the bookport seems like a heckuva bargain. My only problem would be that I'd be afraid of dropping or losing it. If i fumbled it, it'd be $400 down the tubes. I'm nervous enough carrying the cassette player around.
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