[quoted lines by Hart Larry on 2006/04/19 at 09:22 -0700] >how can I run a global search-and-replace? The manual implies a >function kee which I don't have such as f14? Start a search, as usual, by pressing CTRL-W. At any point during the prompt for the search string, press CTRL-R. This turns it into a search and replace. After pressing enter at the end of the search string, you'll be prompted for the replace string. Enter it and press enter. The editor then scans through the file for each occurrence of the search string. At each point it asks you if it should do a replace. Press y for yes, n for no, or a for all. >is their a way like world-perfect where I can block text and >move it to another file? Mark the beginning of the block with CTRL-^. Mark the end of the block with CTRL-K, which will also delete it. The block is now in the cut buffer. If you didn't want to delete it, then immediately, without moving the cursor, press CTRL-U to put it back. Then switch to the other file, go to the character just after where you want the block to be pasted in, and press CTRL-U. -- Dave Mielke | 2213 Fox Crescent | I believe that the Bible is the Phone: 1-613-726-0014 | Ottawa, Ontario | Word of God. Please contact me EMail: dave@xxxxxxxxx | Canada K2A 1H7 | if you're concerned about Hell. http://FamilyRadio.com/ | http://Mielke.cc/bible/ _______________________________________________ Blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/blinux-list