probably cause new sientist doesn't post everything on there website first before printing it. On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Bailey, Bruce wrote: > I heard about this story back in January. I am not sure why New Scientist is just now reporting the news. > The Sound of iPod. > > Trim the URL to get main site. I haven't read anything there about porting Rockbox, but that can't be too far off. > > _______________________________________________ > > Blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx > > -- Andor Demarteau E-mail: andor@xxxxxxxxxxxx student computer science www: UU based & VU guest-student jabber,icq,msn,voip: do ask ;) ----------- chairman Stichting Studiereizen Storm 2002-2004 vice-chairman USF Studentenbelangen executive committee 2002-2003 _______________________________________________ Blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx