Don't let Raman hear you calling Emacspeak a screen reader. <big grin> Hart Larry writes: > First I want to say that I know absolutely nothing about emacs, however, > since it may have been the first Linux screen-reader supporting the > Dectalk-pc, I wonder if having emacs load dectalk drivers could enable me > to finally try YASR? My only other idea would be useing doseum to load my > DOS dectalk drivers? The latest dectalk drivers I have are > dectalk_pc0.95.tgz and 0.96.tgz. > There is even a chance I may completely get rid of windows, so I would very > much like to improve my speech experience here in linux. > Thanks so much in advance for helpful info > Hart > > _______________________________________________ > > Blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx > -- Janina Sajka, Chair Accessibility Workgroup Free Standards Group (FSG) janina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Phone: +1 202.494.7040 If Linux doesn't solve your computing problem, you need a different problem. _______________________________________________ Blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx