Hi This is Krishnakant Mane from India Mumbai. I am not new to programming but new to linux. Eventually I am fedup of windows and wan to switch to linux. I am a totally blind person and have heard that linux can be used with emacs speak and IBM outloude software synthesizer. Can some one help me on the issue please? Firstly I want to know what actually does emacs do? If emacs is a text editor then how can linux be totally accessible to the blind user? and if emacs speach is a full fledge screan reader then why is it only associated with emacs? I mean I am confused on the whole thing about emacs, emacs speach and linux. together. I visited the emacs speak homepage and found out that it supports a whole set of applications and tools and even programming tools and net surffing. So again if emacs speak only works on emacs which I understand is a text editor how can a blind person do so many things with emacs speach on linux? Please help me with these questions. Thanks in advance. _________________________________________________________ Click below to visit monsterindia.com and review jobs in India or Abroad http://monsterindia.rediff.com/jobs