You cannot mix SCSI and parallel ports. There are adapters for one to the other but that's not the way I would go. Being short on generic or USB ports for modern USB scanners I suggest you buy one. USB is becoming a dominant standard for computer to peripheral connections and you'll be better of going that route. That way you won't need to buy additional adapters to support your legact scanner when you upgrade the computer in the future. Some scanners come with cheap SCSI adapter and are able to work with SCSI and USB so you might want to look into that but USB is the way to go. USB adapter will let you connect other devices that are very common these days, keyboard, mouse, radio, modems, and who knows what else. I believe that equipment for visualy imparied will also connect with USB if it's not already. I'm surprized your PC doesn't have USB. Are you sure? Maybe you just need a tiny cable with adapter to connect to a special connector on the motherboard. If not then you can buy PCI USB adapter otherwise. Try to avoid ISA bus. ISA bus reached dead end. PC motherboards are very cheap these days. You can get a good one for less than $100. That means it could be cheaper to upgrade your PC with a new motherboard than buying different adapters for sound, USB, etc. Most motherboards have sound, video, and USB built in. As far as scanners go that's a different story. What you probably need is a device that's able to scan books which is not that easy in some cases. Thick heavy books might be a problem with some scanners. There are other issues like software, etc. I'm sure but can't think of it right now. Since I never bought a scanner I can't recommend you one. I see them being used at work though. Scanners made by HP are a bit more expensive but their hardware quality and support are most likely worth it. You'll need somebody to setup the scanner so that you always put the printed material on it for scanning the same way so that the software won't have hard time reading it. Good luck. -- Rafael *** Microsoft is to free computer use *** *** as Teleban is to the freedom of women. *** On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 10:42:19AM -0600, Cheryl Homiak wrote: > Hi all! > I want to get a scanner and would like some advice. > I don't have USB; I do have either a free pci or ISA slot. If I get an sblive > the free slot will be iSA; otherwise it will be pci. I understand that you can > get scsi scanners that don't take a scsi adapter; they plug into the printer and > the printer plugs into the parallel port if i understand it correctly. > Anyway, I know nothing about scanners so could use somehelp. Are there things > that I as a blind person want to look for so that the scanner will actually scan > the pages without me having to guide it or something. I know i'mn probably > revealing major ignorance here, so somebody please give me at least the short > course on this. > Thanks. > > >