Regarding the RS DMM & Linux: I have located a 'try' tool for linux. QtDMM and KDMM exist. Qt mentions a radio shack DMM model # in blurb. The Qt flavor in the blurb has a recording feature for exploit. "The recorder features manual start, scheduled start (at a given time) and triggered automatic start when given thresholds are reached. " Have DMM now, I will report findings. All previous request for needed sensors to attach etc. remain valid. The RS232 data I/we now have. I can try to sed it into command line existance if need be. (no time promise I'm a HW zealot not a SW roo) I know better SW talent exists on blinux too. Connect DMM to the TTY? Just serial crossover cable and SW handshaking works for something?? What a modular world! Be careful when you play with energy. Jan The following is my standard parachute rigger disclaimer, adjusted to blinux and DMM ideas. Be WAY carefull!!! It's your LIFE at stake. (any error can effect quality of) Get a molded AC cord with molded bananna DMM plug for household AC testing!!! DMM operator must survive test to read data! Maintaining the tools is part of use. YMMV(covers all else)