Hi: I don't mean to be agressive but if you would read installation manual for Red Hat you could find several way of installation of it in your particular sytuation. First, if you have sighted assistent to do it, if I recall this correctly, you can initiate RH installation from DOS prompt, I remember doing this at least with release 6.2. Another question, have you prepared installation disks based on pcmcia.img and pcmciadd.img? Linux is the best OS on earth but required a lot of reading and from my experience I can tell you that it is not avoidable. [green] Good luck. Pawel. On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, Michael Weaver wrote: > Hi! > Today I tried to install Redhat 7.2 on my Compaq laptop. > With the use of the floppy disk we created of my system files, my personal > assistant or support worker managed to boot to DOS and with Fips managed to > partition my drive. > However, my CDROM drive wouldn't boot when the first Installation CD was > inserted so he had to use rawwrite to create a boot image disk for Redhat. > We managed to start the installation for Redhat but the problem was we kept > getting error messages so we had to terminate the installation. Also my > Compaq laptop is one where the CDROM drive and floppy drive are > interchangable which means you can't run both at the same time, you have to > have either the CDROM drive or floppy drive. > Could anyone possibly give me any advice? > Could it be that 7.2 doesn't support laptops and that the higher 7.3 version > of redhat or a different flavour of Linux should take me through the > installation without any problems? > The installation problems occured after the welcoming screen for Redhat > Linux. > Will I have any problem wif I ever get to the part where I will have to > switch drives from my Boot image disk to my CDROM to continue the > installation of Redhat? > > > > _______________________________________________ > > Blinux-list@redhat.com > https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/blinux-list >