Hello, I'm a blind software engineer using vario40 (or known as Rabit in the usa) as my braile display. I developped software for yeares on Linux and other Unix flavors by using teraterm and Jaws screen reader. I was quite satisfied with this. However, the new company I'm intending to work for, develops drivers which are infoked during the boot process and thus need to be debugged during this process. This means that I need to use vario40 directly on Linux and not through a terminal emulator. First, any and every information concerning accessing Linux with vario40 will be most appreciated. I have to state 2 comments in advance: 1. I know that there is at least one linux distribution who has braile display support built-in, I think it is called sUse/Linux or something similar. This is unacceptable by my company, since they insist on working on redhat 7.2 with kernel 2.4.7. 2. I'm aware of brltty. Some months ago, I tried brltty 2.98 with Redhat 7.1 with kernel 2.4.2 but no go. Mario Lang, who wrote the driver for vario40 todl me that as far as he knows, this driver stopped working beginning with kernel 2.4.x. Does anybody have any information about this? May brltty work with vario40 in powerbraile emulation with the powerbrail drivers? Theoretically I believe that yes. I just suspect that the vario40 buttons will not work, since the driver is built to activate the powerbraile buttons, thus making this configuration inefficient. Am I wrong here? As I said, any and every information on these issues will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance, Rafi Cohen.