Hello all, In order to install RedHat 7.3, I try to make bootdisks with BRLTTY and here is my problem : after adding BRLTTY to the initrd.img file this file becomes too large to fit on the first diskette. Then I grab it to a second diskette but I don't find the appropriate line to insert into the syslinux.cfg to tell the system to load the initrd.img file which is on the second diskette. I try to make the same things as for the Debian bootdisks but unfortunatly I didn't succeed. Has someone here ever succeed in making such bootdisks ? The line I include in the syslinux.cfg which it doesn't work is : append load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size=10000 root=/dev/fd0 disksize=1.44 Also I try to add "noinitrd" parametter without success. An idea ? Thanks in advance for help ! Nath ______________________________________________________________________________ ifrance.com, l'email gratuit le plus complet de l'Internet ! vos emails depuis un navigateur, en POP3, sur Minitel, sur le WAP... http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/email.emailif