hi listers, I have a question. I am trying to make some disions between 2 different distrubations of linux so if this sounds like a dum question please forgive me. for thoes of you who are also tried windows you know that with different versions of windows you can't run some win95 software under 98, you can't run some 98 programs under 95 and from what I understand a alot of 95/98 software can't run under xp. so, talking about linux with all of the different distrubations of linux. redhat, slakware, zipspeek, and others is there very much problem with software that wil not work on one version of linux, or another. like somethings that may not run under redhat that would under slakware, or somethings that won't run under zipspeak that would under redhat.. thanks alot. charles Net-Tamer V 1.11 - Test Drive