well, before they started working on the site, I could at least get items into my cart. Now, I use links (l i n k s) and choose "buy stams and more" then "buy stamps" and here's the nice little message I get. Before I get the message, I am asked if I want to allow the cookie; I press enter on that choice but it doesn't do me any good. I wrote Ray and told him this, also mentioned I still don't know why they are so dedicated to using javascript. He hasn't ever explained why they want it so badly, but it definitely appears that javascript is a non-negotiable item. You do have to admit they give you plenty of istructions--if you are using windows. USPS Home Page The Postal Store Home Page Problems with accessing the page? If you have been redirected to this page, your browser settings need to be altered. These are usually found under the "Options" Menu. They are very easy to change. * Check the setting for your browser's ability to accept cookies (found under Advanced or Security). If you would like to view the cookies before they are placed on your browser please choose the "Prompt before Accepting" option, but in order to view this site, cookies must be enabled. * Internet Explorer 5 1. Click the Tools, and then click Internet Options. 2. Click the Security tab. 3. Click the Internet zone. 4. Click Custom Level, scroll to the Cookies section, an then click Enable for both cookie options. * Internet Explorer 4.x 1. Click the View, and then click Internet Options. 2. Click the Advanced tab. 3. Scroll to the Security section. 4. Under Cookies, click Always accept cookies. * Netscape 4.0 and higher 1. Click on the Edit mean and click Preferences. 2. Click the Advanced Settings on the bottom of the dialog box. 3. Choose the following options: Accept all cookies. Check the setting for your browser's "cache" (found under "Network Preferences"). Allocate as much space on your hard drive as you can afford. Have your computer check the cache every time (as opposed to once per session or never) to guarantee that you are seeing the latest web content. Make sure Javascript is enabled under "Languages" in "Network Preferences." Javascript is used extensively throughout The Postal Store, and enabling it will aid your enjoyment immensely. And finally, be sure to make http://www.usps.com/shop your home page! Right! I'm sure I'm going to do what that last sentence suggests when I can't even use the site!!! Cheryl