hi every body , a member of list suggested me to hunt for info regarding irq and all in windows ..but don't u think that every os sets its own irq no and dma no etc etc well anyway i did that i got this interrupt 05 i/o range 1000-10ff now as i have red hat 7 i tried sndconfig then mesage is PCI soundcard detected model: ESSTechnology | ES1988 Allegro-1 and next windows comes as this card is not supported i tried sndconfig --noprobe then a long list comes up ...i tried one but to chnegthe irq nos ..you have some set options like 4-9 for irq etc etc...you can not changeto any value ..i mean to say that i can not put any number of my wish so inthat case my i/o range is out of every preset numbers so confused am i thanx in advance(TID) sachin if some one has this card plz plz tell me the all the nos :) **************************************************************************** This electronic communication and any accompanying document is being transmitted over the Indian Oil Network and contains confidential information that is for the exclusive use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and is protected against unauthorised disclosure. If the reader of this message is not the intended receipient or the employee or agent responsible to deliver to the intended receipient, or is not intended to act on it, be aware that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication, or the use of its contents is prohibited and is likely to be attended by legal consequences. If you have received this communication in error and/or are not the intended receipient, please immediately notify the undersigned or Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. at the telephone or the fax number or email address given above and permanently delete the original message from your email system. Whilst this mail has been checked for all the known viruses, recipients should undertake their own virus checking as Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. will not accept any liability whatsoever ****************************************************************************