I'm sure everyone here recently got email with the subject, "Tourism Program For The Blind." I am certain your email address has been "harvested" by some unprincipalled "marketing gurus," and sold to suckers. Probably, from the web archives as that is easier than enrolling in lots of lists. As you can see from https://listman.redhat.com/pipermail/blinux-list/2002-August/000638.html email addresses are in plain view. I'm convinced my email address was harvested from _this_ list because nobody else would think me blind. Mailman, the software used to administer this list, can obfuscate email addresses. I'm sending this to the list and to its administrator. I imagine spam is an even worse problem for most of the people than for those who can see. Hopefully, the administrator will take action promptly. A useful counter-spam idea I have come up with is a free email address at Yahoo or similar. They have facilities for filtering email, and you can decline email that's not from an approved source. I've used such an address to subscribe to a Red Hat list and it was entirely free of spam. A reason to prefer Yahoo is that you can use fetchmail (or any other POP3 client) to retrieve the email and so it becomes as convenient as the email address your ISP provides. I think Yahoo is charging for this facility in some domains now, but even so it remains an option worth considering. -- Cheers John. Please, no off-list mail. You will fall foul of my spam treatment. Join the "Linux Support by Small Businesses" list at http://mail.computerdatasafe.com.au/mailman/listinfo/lssb