Barb, BRLTTY doesn't start until after the kernel is loaded, so it can't display anything at the time when the menu for chosing between OS's is displayed. There may be a way to get grub to just put out a string on the port to which your braille display is connected, but I haven't been able to get this to work with lilo. My system is set up to just wait forever with the menu displayed. When i type the name of the OS I want, it then displays a smesage saying loading such-and-such on my Braille Lite. After a short wait I then see the message BRLTTY 3.0 or something similar, then there are a whold bunch of boot messages that go by, som so fast that I can't read them. Note that the Braille display must be in speech box mode for BRLTTY to work. Use the following sequence to get into the correct speech box mode. dots 345-chord (ar-chord), p-chord. That is all I can say. It is possible to make boot floppies that include BRLTTY, but I have not tried it because the normal rescue floppy that Redhat makes brings up brltty in about fifteen seconds anyway. John On Mon, 12 Aug 2002, Barbara J Wagreich wrote: > Hi Listers: > > I sent the enclosed message over the weekend and received two responses > that suggested I use grub instead of lilo to set up boots to > multienvironments (windows 98, windows 2000, and Red Hat linux). It is my > understanding that grub creates a menu. I am wondering if this menu is > visible to brltty or whatever at boot time. The two respondents couldn't > answer this question because they don't use adaptive devices. > > Does anyone on the list have experience with menus created by grub for > multi OS environments with braille displays? Or is there another wayto > set up multiboots that is accessible? > > Thanks for your help! > Barb > > > On Sat, 10 Aug 2002, Barbara J Wagreich wrote: > > > Hi All: > > > > I'm new to linux but have worked on UNIX. > > > > I'm sure you've discussed this topic before. I'd appreciate your > > feedback. > > > > I am having a PC set up with three operating systems: > > DOS/Windows 98, Windows 2000, and red Hat linux 7.2. I will be using > > brltty > > (I can't hear). A friend is doing this for me. (I would be using JFW > > with Windows 98 and Windows 2K.) > > > > what is the best way to set up the multiboot sothat I can choose which OS > > I want to invoke? Also, should the three partitions containing the 3 > > operating systems be hidden from each other? > > > > Thanks for your help! > > Barbara Wagreich > > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > > > -- Computers to Help People, Inc. 825 East Johnson; Madison, WI 53703