I have been lurking here for a few months. Lynx will never improve its table support unless some serious programmers are found to work on it. Since about version 2.5, Lynx has "supported" tables. This means approximately the following: Each <td> tag to start the next cell in the same row creates one space in the output. Each <tr> tag to start a new row of cells goes to a new line in the output. All other tags found within cells perform their normal functions. This has the desirable effect for us that <br> tags in tall, columnar cells will break up the output into multiple lines when such cells are being used to divide a web page into multiple newspaper-style columns. This restricted table interpretation comes from the fact that Lynx parses HTML in only one pass. It does not look ahead to determine how many columns a table contains, nor whether the present table contains other tables, forms, and other stuff nested within it. Many, many tables on the web are displayed with proportional-pitch fonts, and with far more than 80 characters across the screen. Lynx will, on startup, set itself to display at width and height appropriate to the terminal definition it sees in its environment, but what should happen when a table is wider than the display? Currently, Lynx has no keyboard commands in it for horizontal scrolling. How would we, as screen reader users of Lynx, want tables handled better, anyway? For better understanding of the issues, the source code is available for inspection and modification. The currently active developers hang out on a majordomo listserver called Lynx-dev@sig.net On Wed, 12 Aug 1998 22:24:36 -0400 (EDT), Dave Mielke <davem@cpu2311.adsl.bellglobal.com> wrote: >Does anyone know if there are plans to add support for HTML tables to >LYNX? >-- >Dave Mielke | Phone: 1-613-726-0014 >856 Grenon Avenue | Email: dmielke@sympatico.ca >Ottawa, Ontario | >Canada K2B 6G3 | > -- Lloyd Rasmussen Senior Staff Engineer, Engineering Section National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Library of Congress 202-707-0535 (work) lras@loc.gov http://www.loc.gov/nls/ (home) lras@sprynet.com http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/lras/