For the record. Red Hat has no serial card on any of its hardware compatibility lists above the status of community knowledge devices. This means that at present red hat at least is certifying nothing in this area nor is Red Hat approving anything in serial cards either. Finally, this means that Red Hat hasn't the foggiest idea which of these serial cards truly is superior based on performance. So next time I'll ask my questions out on usenet. If anyone wants my source for this information, it's Now I think what I will do is put a question out on comp.linux.hardware and see if there's a hacking non-communicative serial cards howto or check list somewhere. Too bad I'm not better with assembly language or I could probably look at cb20xpc.exe using debug in dos and figure out how to make this siig 20x card work even though the manufacturer says it's not supported for anything other than dos or windows. There's almost certainly the technical knowledge here in these three groups to do it or come up with a checklist. Btw, provided me with some leads and I also reciprocated by sending her one neither the site nor had at the time. Jude <>