BTW, one of the "challenges" (click on the link to "the complete rules" in PDF format, see pg. 6) directly relates to accessibility: 3) Challenge: Accessibility Enhancements - Address some of the functional deficiencies in Linux to make it more readily certifiable for accessibility. Prereq: Linux 2.4 Kernel. Expected Results: Identify one or more functional deficiencies. Provide a solution for the deficiency. Document the supporting hardware and software environment used to provide the solution. Explain what was accomplished toward making Linux more readily certifiable for accessibility. -jen Janina Sajka <> To: <>, <> Sent by: cc: blinux-list-admin@ Subject: [LINUX_Notes] LINUX SCHOLAR CHALLENGE 10/06/2001 09:56 AM Please respond to blinux-list Thought the following would be of interest to some folks here. I don't know any more than what this message says. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "" <> LINUX SCHOLAR CHALLENGE IBM is sponsoring a Linux Challenge for college and university students to make improvements to Linux, create usability tools or enhancements, or design Linux applications. Students select a Linux project, describe the objectives, methodology, research, and results in a 3-page paper and submit for evaluation. Students can register online through October 15, 2001. ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________