UltraSonix isn't going to be anything very usable anytime soon, if ever. I would further hazard the guess that no unix gui variant is going to provide much in the way of end user usability for at least a year. So, if you want the power and stability of linux, best get acquainted with the command line. Fortunately, it will not be wasted effort. Even in the gui, unix folks tend to be in what's called "terminal" mode a lot. If what you mean by Windows is the ability to arrow up and down in order to make choices--the ability to check a box or remove its check, that kind of functionality actually exists in applications like Pine, Lynx and even emacs. Just because it isn't gui doesn't mean you can't work off of a menu of choices. On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, klbrown wrote: > Does anyone know the latest on the porting of ultrasonix to linux? I like the windows opperating system and was wondering if X-windows is accessible to the blind. I am extremely new to the world of linux. I only know how to change and list dirrectories. Karl Dahlke was nice enough to install drivers for my internal dectalk and his jupiter speech software via an internet connection. I think I could learn the X-windows system faster than the linux command line mode. If some of you would give me helpful suggestions in getting started in the world of linux I would appreciate it very much. By the way if you are wondering how I am writing this message I am using Outlook Express. > > Kevin > -- Janina Sajka, Director Technology Research and Development Governmental Relations Group American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Email: janina@afb.net Phone: (202) 408-8175 Chair, Accessibility SIG Open Electronic Book Forum (OEBF) http://www.openebook.org Will electronic books surpass print books? Read our white paper, Surpassing Gutenberg, at http://www.afb.org/ebook.asp Download a free sample Digital Talking Book edition of Martin Luther King Jr's inspiring "I Have A Dream" speech at http://www.afb.org/mlkweb.asp Learn how to make accessible software at http://www.afb.org/accessapp.asp