Wow, this is exactly similar to what I had with redhat when using the boot disk kernel. Since it had the -2BOOT at the end, my modules wouldn't load, the system was quite useless, couldn't even mount my fat32 partition to download new kernel source to the linux one. I tried the obvious symbolic link thing, and got unresolved symbols all over the place. I wonder if you end up with those too? I wish there was a boot disk around that had everything one needed to access fat partitions. However, I used windows to download the new kernel rpm's from, and used slackware boot disks to put them in place. Without those, I'd have been like a fish out of water unless I split the kernel source in to floppy sized chunks. At 02:30 AM 11/10/01 -0800, you wrote: >This is of interest to people who fold Jupiter, Speakup, or Brass into their own kernels, >or anyone who rebuilds the kernel for any reason. > >I found that somewhere around 2.4.7, Linux throws you a curve. >And believe me, I was swinging high for several hours! > >If your kernel is, say, version 2.4.8, >your newly built kernel will be version 2.4.8custom. >The word custom is tacked on the end. >This means all modules are taken from >/lib/modules/2.4.8custom, a directory that (probably) doesn't exist >on your system. >No modules means lots of things won't work. >Probably your network connection, possibly some of your drives. >And some drivers, such as the 3com network drivers, >*must* be built as modules, and loaded that way. >I was quite frustrated, until I figured this out. >I made a symbolic link from 2.4.8custom to 2.4.8. >That's probably not what Linus wanted me to do. >He probably wanted me to make a new directory >and replicate all those modules, >my own custom modules. >But guess what? I didn't feel like it. > >Karl > > > >_______________________________________________ > > > > >