1. Is there a way to transfer files between my linux system and braillelite (both ways) without using pcdisk, which is a dos program? I have been experimenting with modem protocols but haven't gotten anything to work so far. 2. Has anybody gotten pcdisk and/or megadots to work with dosemu? If so, are there any special instructions about getting these to work that you can give me? I don't have dosemu up right now, but at one point I did; I was able to get pcdisk to run and say it was working on com1, but when I pressed the s-chord on the blt I got "storage device missing". 3. Despite perusing the documentation, I am still a bit confused about dosemu. I have dos6.22 on my dos partition; do I have to use freedos or can I use my dos6.22. If I can use dos6.22 on my dos partition, can I use it as is or do I need to make changes to the config.sys and autoexec.bat files or other components in dos? Thanks. Cheryy